Maybe It's Obsession...

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A/N- please be advised that this part contains content of explicit nature. Mature audiences only.

Nash POV


I'm counting down the minutes until the bell rings. Cameron and I are leaving for the cabin right after school. I've missed him because we didn't get to spend last night together, Matt ended up staying over. I know I can't demand 100% of Cam's attention all the time but it doesn't stop me from wanting to. The teacher is going over what we're supposed to do for homework over the weekend but I could care less about it, there's only one thing on my mind right now and that's Cameron.

The bell rings and I don't even wait for the teacher to dismiss us before I grab my things and rush off to my locker. I bump into a few people in my hurry and mumble a quick sorry before getting to my locker. I quickly open it, shove a few things in my book bag and slam it shut. I'm looking down at my phone when I bump into someone, I look up to apologize but stop short when I notice it's Katrina. I resist the urge to roll my eyes at her, I really do not want to waste time with her today. She's so fucking annoying.

"Nash! I was trying to get your attention after our last class, but you were in such a hurry that you didn't see me," she exclaims.

"Yeah, I have something important to get to Katrina," I tell her and I look down at my phone, texting Cameron that I'll meet him at his locker. I start walking away and she falls into step with me.

"Well, my dad is taking a bunch of my friends and I out on his boat on Sunday. Just wondering if you want to come with?It's going to be a lot of fun!" she says, smiling hopefully at me.

"Sorry, I can't I'm actually going away this weekend." I reply, we're getting close to Cameron's locker and he's not there yet. Her face falls at my reply.

"Oh...well my birthday party is in 3 weeks. Promise you'll come? Please?" she begs. I sigh and stop at Cam's locker. I want to get her away from me before Cam gets here, I want to avoid drama and just get our weekend started on the right foot.

"Yeah, I'll be there for sure. Just let me know the date and time, ok?" I say. I know if I agree to go she'll leave me alone. Plus it's in 3 weeks, I'm sure by then I can come up with some bullshit excuse on why I can't attend.

"Yay!" she says,clapping in her hands in excitement. "I'll text you the details!"

I nod at her and give her a small smile as she leaves. I let out a sigh of relief that she's gone. I really need to figure out a way to get rid of her. I have no desire to have her in my life.

A few moments later Cam comes up to his locker and a real smile graces my lips. I pull him close and kiss him softly, I'm not afraid of PDA.

"Hey, baby how was class?" I ask him, pulling away as he opens his locker to pack his bag.

"Long and boring. I couldn't wait to leave but my teacher decided today would be the perfect day to hold me back and ask me about tutoring some new kid. I couldn't wait to leave," he replies and shuts his locker. I grab his hand and we walk out to my car. We already packed our bags and put it in my trunk this morning, we didn't want to waste any time this afternoon.

"Tutoring who?" I ask him as I open the back door of my car and shove our book bags inside. We get in and I turn on the car, the tires squeal as I peel out of the school's parking lot.

"I guess some new kid called Sam Pottorff. She introduced me to him after class. He's different, but seems okay." He tells me as he fiddles with his cellphone.

"Why'd she ask you to tutor?" I question him, my eyes concentrated on the road.

"She says I have 'an inherent grasp of the material'," he rolls his eyes. "Whatever that means."

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