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Cameron POV


My heart is pounding faster as we approach the door and I'm gripping Nash's hand tightly. I noticed that Nash had changed a little bit while we were in the car, but I was concentrated more on texting Matt because he was freaking out. I feel bad for ignoring Nash on our first date, but I can't abandon Matt just because I'm starting a relationship. That wouldn't make me a good friend and I want to repay him for all he did for me in the past year.

I know he's going to be surprised at the fact that I'm showing up with Nash, but I'll explain what's going on after we get him out of here.

I open the door to reveal a packed house of drunk teenagers, the music is blasting and I feel like plugging my ears. I let go of Nash's hand to text Matt and let him know we're here. Nash places his hand on my back and rubs it softly. He's so good at calming me down.

Matt responds immediately and tells me he's in the backyard, I text him back and let him know to stay put. I hold Nash's hand again and start to make my way through the sea of bodies. I can see where the back door is and I lead us in that direction.

People aren't really paying attention to us and I can't help but feel a little bit relieved. We finally make it to the backyard and things are low-key compared to inside. I spot Matt right away and let go of Nash's hand to rush over to me. He's lying on a futon with his eyes closed.

"Matt!" I exclaim as I sit next to him. He opens his eyes and looks at me, he has a glassy look in his eyes. I can tell he's really out of it.

"I'm so drunk right now, bro." He slurs out. "I can't go home like this, my mom would kill me."

"Don't worry," I tell him. " You can stay over at my house. I'll send your mom a text with your phone, she won't suspect a thing."

He lays his head on my shoulders and groans softly.

"I fucked up tonight, Cam." He tells me with his eyes closed.

"Should we get going?" Nash asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

I look up at him and nod.

"Help me get him up, he's really drunk and probably won't be able to walk right," I tell him. He nods and helps me get Matthew up. Together we start making our way to the front yard. Before we can take 2 steps, Katrina appears in front of us.

"Nash! I'm so glad you could make it!" She says excitedly. She steps up to Nash and gives him a tight hug. Nash awkwardly pats her on the back before pulling away.

"Actually, I was just leaving," he tells her. "Just picking up a friend and taking him home."

Katrina studies us silently. I know she's probably wondering what Nash is doing with us, but I really don't care what she thinks. I just want to get Matthew home before he has a total meltdown.

"Well you don't have to go, right Nash? I'm sure Connor here will be fine getting his friend home." She says with a smirk on her face.

Nash looks at her with confusion on his face.

"It's Cameron," I correct her and begin walking again, forcing Nash to come with me since we're currently propping Matthew up.

Katrina walks with us as well and I roll my eyes and wonder when the hell she's going to get a clue.

"How did he get here? I'm sure that his ride can take him home." Katrina is incessant in her quest to get Nash to stay at her stupid party.

"It's almost my curfew anyway," Nash lies to her. We finally get to his car and help Matthew get in the back seat.

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