This Is My Confession

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Nash POV

I hear voices and they sound far away.

"Open your eyes, Nash."

I try to open them but they feel so heavy. I moan a little, my knee feels like it's on fire. I try to move it but I can't. My heart starts pounding, am I paralyzed?? Wait that doesn't make sense, I can feel the pain. I stop freaking out, I wouldn't be able to feel pain there if it was paralyzed right?

"He's waking up. Nash? I need you to open your eyes honey."

I try even harder to open my eyes, or to move my knee. But can't manage to do either. I moan again and all of a sudden I'm being lifted up and placed somewhere soft and warm. Am I back in my bed?

The heavy feeling begins to dissipate and I'm able to open my eyes slowly.

"There he is," It's a nurse who is smiling brightly at me. "Good morning sunshine."

I blink at her a few times, I feel confused. Is the surgery over?

"You're in the recovery room. Your surgeon just went to talk to your parents, everything went great from what I heard. We'll get you comfortable and then I'll bring in your family." She tells me as

"Cam, I want Cam. And my mom." I say softly. He's the first thought in my mind. I wonder what time it is.

"How's your pain sweetie?" She asks me.

"Why can't I move my leg?" I ask her.

"It's locked in a brace, honey." She replies. That makes sense.

"It feels like it's burning," I comment and try to wiggle my toes. I smile to myself when I'm able to do that.

"I'm giving you some pain medicine, ok?"

I can feel her pushing something in my IV. The pain goes away soon after. I lie back and relax, I'm not going to lie, the pain medicine makes me feel really good. I guess that's why people get addicted to heroin.

"I'm going to get your family and I'll be right back." She informs me.

I nod and let my eyes close. I'm not sure how much time passes but I feel soft lips on mine and I open my eyes. Cam is standing next to my bed, smiling widely. His eyes are red but he looks really happy.

"Hi, baby." He says softly.

"Hi, Cammy." I reply groggily. My mom is standing on the other side, she smiles at me and hugs me tightly. "Hi, mom."

"Hi, sweetie. Your surgery went perfectly. The surgeon says you'll be able to return to sports 4 to 6 months." She tells me and holds my hand, squeezing it gently.

I am so happy that everything came out so well. I smile sleepily at her, I try to clear my throat but it really hurts.

"My throat is sore," I complain, frowning.

"It's from the tube they put down your throat," my mom replies calmly. A tube? Nobody told me about a tube going down my throat. Surgery is weird.

I turn my head and look at Cameron. "You're so beautiful," I tell him, smiling. Cameron blushes and leans down and kisses me gently.

"I'm so happy you're okay, baby." He murmurs, pecking my lips again gently.

"We should go back and let dad and your other friends come to see you." My mom says, she gives me another hug.

"I want Cammy to stay," I tell them and take Cameron's hand and hold it tightly. He's never leaving me again.

My mom sighs and nods. "Your father was a little upset that you wanted to see Cameron before him."

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