Strong Enough to Break

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Nash POV


I wake up with a start, my heart is pounding and I'm sweating. What the fuck? I don't even remember falling asleep, the last thing I remember is scrolling through instagram look at pictures of us that Cameron had posted and the cute titles he had for them. I look at the time and shoot up. I need to rush if I'm going to make it to school on time. I take a quick shower and I throw on some clothes before grabbing my phone, bag and booking it downstairs.

I go to the kitchen and grab an apple to eat on the drive to school.

"Hayes!" I yell as I take a bite of my apple. He comes down the stairs, all ready to go.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I accuse him as we walk out to my car.

"Uh because you didn't tell me to?" He replies as he gets into the passenger side. I roll my eyes and get it. I turn on my car and the tires squeal as I back into the street and take off to school. We're sitting at a red light when I notice that my phone is almost dead.

"Fuck..." I say softly. I don't have any messages or anything so I turn off my phone to conserve the battery. "Do you have your mobile charger, Hayes?"

He shakes his head. "Sorry, bro. I never bring it to school."

I groan as I pull into school lot and park. "I have lacrosse after school, so you'll have to call mom to get you."

He nods and we go in separate directions. I go to my locker and put my stuff away and grab the things I need. I look around and try to find Cam in the sea of students but I don't see him at all. I walk by his locker and he's not there either. Maybe he didn't comes to school. The first bell rings and I sigh and turn around to head to my first class.

I don't see Cam at all in the morning and I even make sure to walk by his locker after each class. Come to think of it, I haven't seen that asshole Sam. I did see Katrina one time and she was about to come up to me but I guess the look on my face stopped her and she turned around and left.


It's now lunch time and I make my way to the lunch table outside. Most of my friends are sitting at our usual spot but Cameron and his friends aren't there. Really? I take a seat next to Carter and look at him confused.

"Where's Matt?" I ask him. "And the rest of the guys? And Cameron?"

He nods over to a table on the far side of the pavillion. Cameron is sitting there with his friends and Sam. It's gone back to how it was before Cam and I dated and our group of friends merged.

"I guess they closed ranks to support Cameron." he replies as he chews his food. Everyone is looking at me, waiting for me to react.

I don't say anything as begin to eat the food I bought at the cafeteria.

"You aren't going to say anything to us?" Jack asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"What's there to say?" I ask him, taking another bite of my food.

"Are you mad at me about what happened over the weekend?" Jack asks quietly, he has a quilty look on his face.

"Nah I'm not mad at you, Jack. You didn't do anything wrong," I reply and push my food away. I've lost my apetite.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I promised to shield you from Katrina and I failed."

Taylor nods agreeing with Jack. "Yeah, if we hadn't pressured you into attending the party in the first place you wouldn't be in this situation."

I look over at Cameron's table, he's sitting next to Sam and they're talking. Matt is sitting across from them with a frown on his face. I want to ask Carter if anything is wrong with him and Matt, but I can't because no one else knows about their relationship. Plus it would seem weird if he doesn't sit with his friends after what went down.

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