Every Word I Say

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Nash POV


Last night was one of the best nights of my life. Literally. I have never felt so close to anyone like I do with Cameron. I'm sore this morning, but like Cameron says it's the best kind of sore. I'm still snuggled up in bed with Cameron, he's still sleeping and I don't want to wake him up just yet. We are still insomniacs and sleep is precious whenever we can get it.

My phone vibrates and I have a new message from a number I don't recognize. Curious, I open it immediately and my heart beats a little faster as I read it.

Unknown: Nash! It's Kian. I got your number from my mother who got it from your mother. We're actually moving back into the area in the new year, my mom wants to be close to my grandparents because they're getting older and unable to do as much for themselves anymore. I know you have a boyfriend, I respect that, but it would be nice to see a friendly face when I start attending school in January.

I know Cameron didn't get upset when I told him about my past relationship with Kian, well it was barely a relationship it was more like friends with benefits, but how would he feel about me actually being friends with him? I don't want to mess anything up with Cameron, he's quite literally my all, I don't want to upset him or put a strain on our relationship. But Kian and I were best friends until he moved away and it would be mean of me to just ignore him. I decide to talk to Cameron openly about it, being secretive will just cause problems that I want to avoid. I don't want to reject Kian, so I try to send a message that's as neutral as possible.

Me: Sorry to hear about your grandparents! I'm sure I'll be seeing you around :)

I send the message and Cameron starts to shift beside me. I rub his back gently and kiss his shoulder tenderly.

"Morning, baby..." I whisper lovingly. His eyes open and he gives me a sleepy smile. God, he's so beautiful, how the hell did I get so lucky?

"Last night... was amazing, Nash. Thank you for sharing that part of you with me," he murmurs, still smiling at me.

"I'm glad I waited until I found you. There's no one else in the world that I would have wanted to do that with." I tell him honestly. He sits up and stretches, we're both naked from last night. After our bath we dried off and snuggled under the covers without putting clothing on, it felt really good. He gets up and walks to the bathroom, I watch walk away and I can feel an erection stirring.

He comes back a few minutes later and slides back under the covers with me.

"Had to take care of that morning breath," he says and I pull him close and press my lips on his in a gentle kiss. I ponder when the best time to bring up Kian is, I figure there's no time like the present. I might as well get it out of the way before I start obsessing over it. I adjust us so he's laying his head on my chest and I have my arms wrapped around him. I trail my fingertips up and down his side.

"So Kian just texted me... apparently he and his mom are moving back to the area to care for his grandparents. He wants to be friends again," I say as casually as possible. I can feel Cameron tense up a little bit.

"Oh... when is that happened?" He asks me quietly.

"I guess in January," I reply softly. "I won't be his friend if you don't feel comfortable with it, baby. I know things could be awkward considering my history with him, but honestly all we were only friends with benefits. There was no real relationship there. But... I don't want to cause any problems in our relationship, you're the most important person to me, I just want to make sure it's okay with you before I tell him that we can be friends again."

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