Chapter 42- Hov & Bey

Start from the beginning

I wanted to clear the air with my father so I decided to go and talk to him. Its been months since the tension between us has started. I didn't want to take the tension with me to NYC because I wanted all my time to be spent just giving Jay all my attention.

I walked down to my parents hotelroom and knocked for a while. About 30 seconds later my mother opened the door and let me in.

I walked past the bathroom where mama was doing her make-up and saw my father on the bed.

"Good Morning Daddy. I came to talk to you." I said talking a seat near the table.

"Talk about what? You don't have any more movies or music happening so you can find a studio and start recording and writing. Kelly and Michelle are out here taking the advantages given to them to show they are great individually. You should be doing that too instead of running behind an ex-drug dealers in NYC." He said flipping through a magazine.

I wasn't in the mood for any arguments. I wanted this to put away with because Jay and I are official and I want to move forward with out any interference or my dad trying to tear Jay down in the public. But since my dad didn't find it hard to go all in I was just gonna speak my mind.

"Matthew, you are my manager. I understand I am your little figure to help make money for you but I am also your daughter. Something you have been forgetting a very long time now. A manager is concerned about the right man on their client's arm not a father. A real father would be concerned about who is right and makes his daughter's heart happy."

"You are just ungrateful Beyonce. You are my money maker? How about the many times I sacrificed my personal money to make sure you are able to sleep up in hotel uh. Or how about the many times I was away from my wife and baby girl because of your dreams. Or when I could've been enjoying a vacation I was behind your ass working and making sure everything was okay. If that nigga you got already ran through you and widen your vagina thats your problem but you don't come at me excepting me to feel sorry & except your bullshit. Go ahead to NYC, be his little bitch, get knocked up and then come back crawling to me to fix me."

"Matthew? That is your child." My mama said as she came from the bathroom to my side. "Beyonce?"

''Its fine mama.... I am official 21 one father. You run me no longer but I will respect you and obey you like God so desires but I no longer have to listen to you or reside under your roof; and adding on to all those times before I will say it again, I love you like a father and apperiate everything you've done for me and my dreams. No father would stand here and degrade their child like that and about you taking your personal money to make sure my dreams came through don't forget you got that back and many more because I never recieved full pay and whatever was on my account that I had you remove, 1,000 by 1,000 and I don't complain. My relationship with Jay is none of your business so you keep it out your mouth and from the magazines for your personal money gain." I said handing him over my pair of house keys to our home in Houston.

Pushing pass my mother I exited their hotel room so the tears could fall. My plan to head to NYC next week got pushed earlier because I don't wanna be in the same place as my father. As I entered my hotelroom I immediately started packing and running hot water in the tub.

After taking a bath and applying some more makeup, I quickly gathered my belongings. I had already called to book a ticket for myself and a room and the hotel where Jay's cousin Tia works.

As I double checked everywhere to make sure I had everything packed I went to Kelly,Michelle and Solange's room to tell them I was leaving. Not wanting to talk about it anymore I left the incident with my father out. As I exited Kelly's room I moved down the hallway heading to the elevator when I spotted my mother.

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