2022, May 19 - Taehyung (I Will Always Be Responsible For Abeoji)

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(A/N: POV #1)

[Place: Hospital]

My noona and I walk out of the hospital room and let out twin sighs. Abeoji called the foreman again and let loose after hearing about the first call, and only hung up when the foreman said he'd drop by the hospital to talk in person. He's only just fallen asleep after causing a ruckus, asking for alcohol all night.

"Get some sleep, noona."

"It's okay. I'm alright." She looks exhausted despite what she says. I take my phone out to check the time. "What time did he say he'd stop by? The person from abeoji's job..."

"Around 6. Let's take a quick nap before he comes."

The foreman stops by to visit with some people that look like abeoji's colleagues. They're holding a box of drinks.

This is his business. I'm off in a corner since I don't want to butt in.

"How are you feeling? Is it really bad?"

"It's not too bad, but they say I need to take it easy for a while."

"Yeah? I'm sure it'll get better once you rest up. Anyway, the reason why we're here... We're here to say that you shouldn't bring up compensation since it's your fault you were injured."

"And why is that my fault?!"

"You made a mistake that day because you were drinking on the job."


"Heh, don't try to act like you don't know in front of your kids. You've done this often, haven't you? You've all seen it, right?"

Laborer Mr. Seo: Ah, I see...

Laborer Mr. Kang: Y-Yes, of course.

"I even gave you money because I cared. What else do you want me to do for you?" The foreman gives a brusque nod to the workers standing next to him.

They hand over the box of drinks they'd brought with them. "What is this? You want me to take this and sod off?"

"It's a token of our sincerity. We feel sorry that you're injured..."

"Stop playing around!! Ya, Seo! How can you do this to me? You were there and heard everything! You too, Kang! I was going to get the scaffolding but he told me not to. You heard it all!! I don't need this!!" The box of drinks falls to the floor.

The other workers turn, avoiding abeoji's gaze. The foreman looks down at abeoji and clucks his tongue. "Huh, this guy..."

"You bastard! You call yourself a man?!"

"What? Bastard? Watch your mouth, punk!"

"W-wait! Appa, calm down. Please calm down. I... I'm sorry. My abeoji's a little worked up right now." Noona tries to stop abeoji from raging and apologizes.

The foreman accepts my noona's actions like it's the obvious thing for her to do. He's arrogant, like he's dealing with one of his underlings.

"Sir. My abeoji wasn't drunk."

"What?" His arrogant air dissipates.

"He didn't drink that day."

"What are you saying? I have witnesses here."

"That day and the day before that! Abeoji didn't drink at all."

"Look at this kid. Where'd you learn your manners? He probably drank on the way to work even if he didn't at home! Who do you think you are, raising your voice like that? You're just showing what you don't know... Tch!"

My hands tremble in rage at the injustice of it all. But there's nothing I can retort with. I can only bite my lip. That moment...

"I also saw everything..."

"Seokjin hyung?"

"Huh? You're..."

"Remember me? I was there on site for practical training that day. I watched him work and he definitely wasn't drunk."

"W-what are you talking about?!"

Seokjin hyung suddenly butts in and says he was there that day. The foreman becomes flustered. The truth comes out that the work process at the jobsite was dangerous. Abeoji tried to follow procedure to do his job and hyung makes it clear that the foreman coerced him to follow his instructions instead.

"Why, you little..." The foreman clenches his teeth as he looks between Seokjin hyung and me. "I don't know how you both are putting up this united front... But you think it's going to change things? We already paid him. It's a done deal. Understood?"

The foreman fumes out of the hospital room. The other workers, reading the room eventually follow.

"It's alright now, Taehyung-ah." Hyung gently taps my shoulder.

I must've been more tense than I realize, because I loosen my grip and see the little crescents of my fingernails cut into the palm of my hand.


(A/N: POV #2)

[Place's: Road, Kim's house]

Abeoji is cleared to be discharged after hyung's help with the hospital bill. I'm in charge of helping him through the process because my noona needs to be at work.

Seokjin hyung might be a better person than I thought. I'm thankful that he paid the bill, but I'm even more thankful that he stepped in to talk about abeoji's unjust treatment.

"Ow..." Abeoji places hand on his back and groans. He seems to be having trouble walking alone.

"Give me your arm. I'll support you."

No words are exchanged on the way back home. The arm that I'm supporting is thin and weightless. Well, makes sense. All he does is drink. He doesn't eat, so he can't gain any weight.

But the weight that presses down on me is burdensome. It's the weight of the wheel that I can't escape. The weight of reality - that I'm always going to be responsible for my abeoji. A person that I wish I could let go, but can't, and the contradictory feelings of hating my abeoji but want to protect him.

The steps we take back home feels heavier than usual.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now