2022, Jul 24 - Hoseok (Please Cancel The Plan)

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(A/N: Reminding you that this whole July 24 is kinda loop.)


[Places: Hospital, container town]

(A/N: POV #1)

Ever since it was announced that Yangji Children's Home was included in the redevelopment plan, the orphanage peole had been fighting a war every day. A war without firing any bullets, a war fought in silence and growing fear.

The city and the people working for Assemblyman Kim Changjun refused to answer any of our questions. We asked them to release the relocation plan for Yangji Children's Home. Not a difficult request. But their silence spoke louder than any words.

If they had a plan, they would've competed to be the first one to make the announcement: Yangji Children's Home would be relocated to so-and-so area. But they did not say anything. By not saying anything, they made it clear that they meant to send the kids to different institutions.

I don't know who threw the egg. One of the orphanage imo-deul or someone who grew up there. Nobody know who started the fight. The protestors, well, it would be a stretch to call the orphanage people protestors, but they got into a physical fight with the aides.

What took place couldn't really be described as a physical fight. We always felt intimidated by others. Even when we tried to act confident, the world saw us as pitiful. People saw us as either dangerous or pathetic. People who lived off others' taxes.

One of the orphanage imo-deul trumbled down the stairs, and several kids were taken away by the police. One imo collapsed and was taken to the hospital. Even the imo who was resting from the orphanage work due to her illness showed up at City Hall.

I only found out about all this when I was almost done with my shift. Things were busy at work with too many customers today. Dragging my bad leg, I headed to the hospital. Everyone was squatting in front of the surgery room. They all looked pretty bruised up. Even then, they were surprised by my leg.

"What happened to your leg?"

"How did you get hurt?"

I said, "I fell on the slippery street the other day. It's nothing." After giving them a quick answer, I sat next to my imo-deul.

It didn't take me long to figure it out, though. Everyone felt broken not from any physical pain but from a sense of defeat. This fighting will get us nowhere---this self-defeatist attitude that had been with us for so long that now it was ingrained deep in our minds.

The silence in the hospital hallway was suffocating. No one spoke. Can we win this fight? What can I do? I couldn't even cry.

Then I heard my phone ringing with a text from Taehyung. Where are you? Everyone is here. With Seokjin hyung's picture attached.


(A/N: POV #2)

"Seokjin hyung, could you say a word to your abeoji? Hyung, you know what that place means to me. The orphanage is my home. And the kids that live there, if the orphanage disappears, they have to all separate. The reconstruction thing, they could do that without the orphanage."

While going in the container, I spilled out the words without any background explanation. Everyone looked with surprised eyes.

Seokjin hyung didn't seems to change his expression. Even when I was continuing my words in verge of tears, he looked at me like nothing happened.

"It has already been decided. There is nothing I could do for you." Hyung's words came to me very slowly.

Those words showed how there was a clear line drawn between hyung and me. Hyung belonged in the world that decides and I belonged to the world that couldn't even complain about those decisions. I thought Seokjin hyung was my friend, but I thought, perhaps, in the real world, hyung and our friendship doesn't established well.

I feel mad, I shouted, "How could you?!"

I even pleaded for help. But even then I knew, that was just my mind. There was really nothing I could do. As what I said to him, the anger wasn't towards hyung but to myself.

To me, who couldn't do anything, who is nothing.


(A/N: Other translation via Namjoon's POV. Conversation only. Please read the completed narration on Namjoon's hehe.)

 "We need to talk."

"I got nothing to say. If you have something to say, say it here."

"Can you please tell your abeoji to take Yangji Children's Home out of the redevelopment plan? If that's too difficult, can he look for a place where we can relocate together? He's your abeoji. You can ask him."

"It's grownup business."

"You know what the place means to me. How could you talk to me as if I'm talking to a stanger? How could you?"

 "Until when do I have to look after you guys? Can you please learn to do things by yourselves?"

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now