2022, Jun 18 - Seokjin (The Same Pub With Namjoon)

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[Place: Street pub]

A time loop is funny. Namjoon and I had had a drink in one of the time loops at the street pub where we were drinking now. This kind of thing happened often in time loops. When I turned a corner, I always met the same person, and when I woke up one day, it was always raining.

(A/N: This event had happened on Jul 14, Year 22. Also, same day as today. You can re-read this part or from there. Since it's a loop lol.)

Things that were fated to happen did happen. Sometimes, everything got tangled up from one tiny mistake. It made me think that maybe we were ---no, everything in this world was bound with a sturdy rope, supporting everything else.

It was impossible for one person to figure out how that rope was tied. I didn't want to know it in the first place. All I wanted was to avoid making errors and mistakes and escape from the time loop.

As I'd expected, Namjoon talked about some useless stuff. Maybe that's what Taehyung told him to do.

"I thought you were like me."

The last thing Namjoon had said. My head ached again.

I remembered what Namjoon had said here in one of the loops: "Now I know everything about you, but don't you think your friends are still waiting for you? Without understanding what had happened back then."

What he meant by 'back then' was back in high school days when I had to spy for the principal. I couldn't believe stuff like that was still important. Two years had passed since then, and I had experienced countless time loops.

'Back then' had happened ages ago, and it meant nothing now.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now