2022, Aug 22 - Namjoon (You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me)

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[Place: Container town]

After work, I went back to the container. I had to use the flashlight function on my phone to light the way. The street was darker than usual. It was hard to see with just the hazy moonlight.

As soon as I got to the container, I saw someone sitting in front of my container. Who was that? I knew everyone around my place.

He looked drunk. After seeing me, he staggered up. I thought I'd seen him somewhere but couldn't figure out where. I approached him with caution.

"Everything is ruined because of you," he said. He looked a sight. He was bleary-eyed, and his white shirt was all crumpled up. "You talked Seokjin into this, didn't you? You ruined everything." He kept babbling about things I couldn't understand.

He walked toward me making threats, but, too drunk, he ended up keeling over. I asked him if he was okay. When I knelt down over him, he grabbed my collar. He reeked of booze. I tried to loosen his grip, but he resisted adamantly.

The next moment, I lost my balance and I fell over. Because he was still holding onto my collar, we rolled on top of each other on the pebbles.

"Namjoon hyung!" A flashlight shone in the dark and it landed on the man's face. When he grimaced and twisted his body, I pushed his hand away and stood up.

The man staggered to his feet and said, "You haven't seen the last of me." And he walked away.

"Namjoon hyung, who was that?" U-chang stepped closer with the flashlight in his hand.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now