2022, Aug 3 - Jungkook (False Illusions, Shooting Game)

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[Places: Hideout, road, PC room]

I woke up to find my friends asleep. Namjoon hyung was asleep with his backpack on, and Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung were asleep, sitting against the wall with their heads together. Jimin hyung was asleep on two desks put together. When Taehyung hyung opened the curtain, the classroom filled with the sunlight.

I covered my eyes with my hands and said, "Close the curtain, will you?"

And they woke up one by one.

"Where is Seokjin hyung?" someone asked.

Taehyung hyung said, "He left."

I glanced out the window. The school playground was empty.

(A/N: Moments later)

We said goodbye at the gate. I watched as they headed their own way, and I went to a PC room, the one I frequented these days.

With a headset on, I would cut myself off from the world in the dark room and focus only on the computer screen, which eased my frustration. I felt better in a dark and isolated place. I hated a bright place with lots of light. In a space that was just my own, I could face reality and plan my revenge. The PC room was just the place.

I had started coming to this PC room after I paid visit to the place. It was on a sheer impulse that I got on the bus to the place. But I knew I had to go back there. To understand for myself the meaning of what had taken place there. As I watched the scenery out the bus window, I asked myself: Can I trust my friends?

When I got off the bus, the sky had darkened. I walked slowly to the place of my accident. Like the last time, the road is empty, with no traffic. A surveillance camera was installed at a distance.

I stood at the spot of the accident. I looked down at the road and recalled that night. The huge moon in the night sky, the world turned upside-down. And the shape of the car as it simply passed by me and the familiar sound of that engine.

I sprawled down on the asphalt like on the night of the accident. My face was upturned at the sky, but I couldn't see the moon. If a car were to come my way without seeing me on the road, I would get into another accident. While thinking that, I felt the faint vibration of an engine from the road.

Is a car coming? I was going to lift my head up, but I couldn't move. The road vibrated more, and I was sure a car was coming. With the ringing in my ears, my nerves were on edge. I was alert, but I couldn't move or scream.

Soon, the bright lights were zooming down on me. It was a car, and it was in front of my eyes in no time. My whole body froze and I couldn't even close my eyes. Crash--- it sounded as if the world were split into two. And then came the pain.

Help me! I screamed inside, but it didn't come out of my lips, I couldn't swallow or open my eyes. Because of the headlights in my eyes, everything was too bright. Alternating between pain and fear. I couldn't breathe. Something hot and sticky seeped out of my body. It hurt so much that I felt I'd drop dead any minute, but the pain lingered without bringing death. My consciousness scattered, too brutally slow. And the pain would not let up.

Finally, the brightness subsided, and everything became dark. I couldn't hear or see something. The fear and pain are gone too. I felt restful. I wondered when was the last time I felt this comfortable. I just wanted to stay here. This felt like the place I should be.

I went limp and trusted my body to the darkness. The complete darkness and silence --- a space that was colorless, odorless, and impeccable. This must be death. Finally, this was the end. Everything would come to an end.

But something fell onto my eyes. As if a current had sparked in my head. I had a headache. My eyes were closed, but I knew. I was being buried. Seokjin hyung was looking down and throwing a handful of dirt on me. My other friends were with him. More dirt poured down on me.

My body, face, and eyes, were covered with earth. Help me! I screamed, but I failed to utter it out loud again. I wailed. I struggled to stand up. With the dirt in my mouth, I couldn't breathe. When I tried to spit it out, more got into my mouth.

I let out a loud cough and opened my eyes. I was still on the road. My friends weren't there and there was no dirt. I hadn't gotten hit by a car, or hurt in anyway. I was drenched in sweat and trembling with cold. I felt chilled to my bones, dripping buckets of sweat. My whole body felt stiff and achy.

When I lifted my head, I saw the world turned upside-down. Just like that night. the road was above me and the night sky below me. The huge car that had run over me, the solid pain, the screams, despair and fear. The things I saw and felt that night pierced through my heart. What should I trust? What I had seen just now --- was it the truth of that night or was it just a false illusion?

As I was getting up, someone said, "What is the problem? Believe what you see." I thought of my friends. They looked at me with an undecipherable expression. It changed to a horrible expression, and they sneered. As if they were enjoying a secret that they kept from me. Like a fool, I was the only one being duped.

"Kill him! Kill him! Why aren't you killing him?"

I snapped out of it, hearing someone yelling. The monitor had a shooting game on it. From the headset, someone on my team was yelling because an enemy had showed up.

"Shoot! Shoot now!"

I grabbed the mouse and started shooting at the enemy like crazy. The character was knocked down dead like an inflatable toy with its air pumped out. With my mouse, I roamed the game map. The railway ran in the middle of it. There were containers along the railway. Just like the container village by Songju Station.

"Where is he? Kill him. And kill that guy, too! Hurry up!"

I pressed the keyboard to pick up a different weapon. A machine gun. When I did, an enemy with a black bandana appeared at a distance. As I was aiming at him, I felt as if I knew the guy. And I got him with one shot. And I aimed and shot the other enemies.

"Park Jimin, Jung Hoseok."

I had no idea why their names dropped out of my mouth. I sneered. Come to think of it, those guys on the screen looked like them. No, those guys were them.

I shot down one enemy --- one friend at a time. As soon as I saw Namjoon hyung crawling out of his container, I sho* him down. And I fir*d at Taehyung hyung's head as he was running along the railway. I glanced down at him without any feelings.

But someone from a distance shot me in the shoulder. When I changed the view with my mouse, I saw Seokjin hyung with a gun. Immediately, I was boiling up with hostility. I hid behind a wooden crate.

From the headset, I heard a team member say, "I'll take him down---."

I cut him off. "No, I will do it."

I stood up and aimed at Seokjin hyung. He keeled over to the right. Yoongi hyung jumped out behind him and ran toward me. I had no bullets left. Stone-faced, Yoongi hyung pulled the trigger. I jumped to the side but got hit twice. My life gage took a serious dip. And the monitor changed to red.

I threw away the machine gun and pulled out the revolver and k*lled Yoongi hyung with one shot to his head. He fell limp and de*d on the ground. WIN showed up on the monitor.

The team member roared on the headset and said, "Fantastic! You're really good!"

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now