2022, Jul 18 - Namjoon (Kim Changjun & The Redevelopment Plan Papers)

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(A/N: POV #1)

[Places: Songju Station, bus stop, buildings, etc.]

If I didn't believe in Taehyung's dream and something did happen, I probably would not be able to forgive myself. Taehyung called early in the afternoon. The rain that had slashed down for 5 days straight had softened to a drizzle.

"You're going to do it today, right?"

I met him at the Songju Station bus stop a little after seven. The rain finally stopped, and just the wind blew. It pushed away the black clouds, revealing the dark, blue sky. At the bus stop, we ate the sandwich and gimbap Taehyung'd brought. Their expirations were up or close to it. The train that had departed from Songju Station picked up speed and was gone out of our sight.

We passed City Hall and got off at the bus stop next to the movie theater. The convenience store we'd talked about was about 100 meters away from the intersection. Strange senses of expectations and fear crisscrossed. Taehyung said he saw the future in his dreams. I said believing something which you find hard to believe, that's really believing it, but I was a realistic person. At different moments, I was overcome with seething doubt and disbelief. And I asked myself: Do I believe Taehyung? And the answer was always the same.

"Look!" Taehyung stopped and tugged my sleeve.

I stopped too. Taehyung was pointing to the four leaf clover logo. And beyond that, people were replacing a billboard. The energy drink was coming down, and a new billboard was going up. A canned coffee.

We didn't know who began to run first. It was only about 40 or 50 meters away, and it wouldn't have made any difference if we got there faster. The canned coffee billboard or the building across from it would not disappear, but we were in a hurry to get there. We got to the building with the billboard, panting, and took a sweeping look of the place. It was late, but there were many passersby.

I said, "Let's go up. We can't see from here."

We went into the building, got in the elevator, and headed to the rooftop. We'd been here before, but back then, the metal door to the rooftop was locked, and all we could do was crane our necks out of the staircase window to get a looksee. But today, as they were replacing the billboard, the rooftop door was open.

When we walked the past door, there was a loud metal clanking sound. Startled, we glanced at each other. The workmen were fixing the billboard. We saw the building across from us--- City Hall on the left-hand side and the railways across Songju City on the right. Behind us were a shopping mall, the county welfare center, and some commercial buildings. Nothing seemed taller than seven stories.

"It must be one of them there."

We scrutinized each building.

"You there! What are doing there?" The building security guard approached us. "Are you here for the billboard?"

Right as I was about to say something, Taehyung pulled me to his side. "There! Look over there!"

I looked where Taehyung was pointing --- a building in the distance between the shopping mall and the parking garage. We couldn't be sure but it looked about five stories high. I looked at Taehyung, and we started running down from the rooftop.

We took the elevator down and ran across the road. We got to the street between the shopping mall and the parking garage. It was uphill. It was a summer night. The typhoon had passed, leaving behind moisture in the air. We sweated and our hearts pounded.

Only when we got to the building did we turn around. We looked down on the four leaf clover and the canned coffee billboard. It was only a five story building, but we climbed uphill. The building was located on the top of the slope. If we were to go inside, we should be able to look down on the whole city.

We looked up at the building. Some offices had lights on inside. Because it was close to City Hall, there were several CPA or law offices. The lights were on in the office on the very top 5th floor. And there was a familiar name hung out of the office window. The Office of National Assemblyman Kim Changjun.

"Who is that?" Taehyung asked.

"You don't know?" I looked at him.

Taehyung looked at me with innocent, credulous eyes. From time to time, I would simply baffled by Taehyung. He would be so brazen about things he didn't know, things I couldn't believe he didn't know. Kim Taehyung had no qualms about looking at things which I would find too scary even to go close to. When no one would give you a helping hand, Kim Taehyung wouldn't think twice before offering his help.

I answered, "He's Seokjin hyung's abeoji."

We walked up the emergency staircase to the 5th floor. We glanced down the hallway after coming out of the door. It wasn't a big building. Light was coming in through the glass door on one side of the hallway.

A huge picture was hung on the left side of the glass door, a picture of Kim Changjun smiling and shaking hands with his voters. A sentence was printed above his head: when you go alone, you can go fast; when you go together, you can go further.

On the right side of the door was the bulletin board for civil petitions. The petitions were taped under the National Future Party's logo with A politician who listens written next to it. Making Songju a city of innovation! For the Successful Building of Technology Belt. I was reading the other stuff when I heard a sound inside the office. Startled, Taehyung and I hid ourselves.

Two men in white dress shirts came out, taking out cigarettes. They must have worked at the office. One of them opened the door wide.

"We shouldn't be caught smoking by Mr. Song."

"The aide is not going to be here at this time of the day. We can smoke and come back in a jiffy."

When the men went down on the elevator, we scampered into the office. There was a reception desk and a round table behind that. A door behind the desks to the left had "Conference Room" written on it. When we opened that door, would it really be the place Taehyung had seen in his dream? I turned around and looked at Taehyung.


(A/N: POV #2. After events from Taehyung's POV. Please read the same date.)

"What paper did he mean?" The man who'd turned on the lights looked around the room.

"It's a top secret document about the Redevelopment Plan, but he had a problem with the printer. It hasn't been printed yet?"

"I wish we'd be done with the redevelopment soon. Too many things are so complicated. If one things gets leaked, everyone'll be headed to the Big House. It's so risky. Maybe I should call Mr. Song, again."

After men turned off of the light and left, Taehyung slowly crawled out behind the cabinet. Taehyung was holding the papers in his hand. I gestured to him to leave the papers.

Pointing to the papers, Taehyung mouthed the word, "You mean this?"

I nodded, but the idiot rolled up the papers and stuck them under his belt.

"Idiot! Put them down!" I mouthed, the word as big as I could, but Taehyung's face showed he couldn't understand what I was telling him.

Taehyung gestured for me to leave, and we headed for the door.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now