2022, Aug 30 - Yoongi (Fireworks and Jungkook)

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[Places: Container town, Yangji stream]

I got off from the bus and strolled along the railroad. Containers emerged from the distance. I saw Taehyung from the bus window on my way here. He was also walking towards the direction of the containers. The others must be coming too.

I completed the piece several days ago. I changed the version I sent to Hoseok a few more times. I gave it the title “Hope." To be honest, the title didn't actually match the piece. It contained my fear, cowardice, and inferiority. It contained all the moments I tried to avoid, get away from, and reprimanded myself for. But I couldn't think of any other word that could encompass it all.

Namjoon's container appeared. Someone was standing out in front. His face wasn't visible but, based on his physique, it was Jimin. I stopped and looked around when someone called me from behind. That someone was waving at me in front of the first container.


(A/N: Maybe a loop or another POV)

The first firework shot up and soared into the night sky. The people crowded by the stream all went ooh and ahh. It was the annual Fireworks Festival held by Yangji stream at the end of the year. We all lay down at the edge of the grassy plaza, staring up at the sky. The second and the third fireworks flew up into the sky. No one said a word. We watched the fireworks lighting up the sky and falling limply down back to the stream.

We still had so many problems ahead of us. We all respected Seokjin hyung's courage, but that did not solved his problems. It might've made things more complicated for him. And it was the same for Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok.

We still struggled with the problems from last year, and we might come together here next year with the same problems without any means to solve them.

The fireworks lit up the sky again. Sounding like they would split the sky in half, they exploded in the night sky and dissipated. Some exploded in blue and green like a veil, and some lit up like a cherry blossoms.

The lights, which were small and not much to look up, soared and lit up the sky as they disappeared in their own flames. They were all different and different colors, and they were all beautiful.

Fireworks are beautiful because they are so ephemeral. They're precious because they're evanescent, and because they're evanescent, we have to remember them.

We knew everything would one day disappear, but we were all gathered under the fireworks. When we are together, a moment is transformed into an eternity. I decided to believe that something I'd left behind even after all the fireworks are gone. And for now, just believing that was enough.

I turned and looked at my friends. When Hoseok saw me, he grinned. Jimin looked up, took a sip from his drink, and handed it to us. Namjoon took it and finished it.

"Got any beer?" Hearing Seokjin hyung, I gave him a beer.

"Ya, Kim Taehyung!" Taehyung intercepted that beer and went it down the wrong pipe, it came spewing back out of his mouth. It made everyone stand up.

And my eyes landed on Jungkook. He was looking down on his phone. I had received a call from Hoseok. when he said he was worried about Jungkook, I told him I'd look into him.

I hadn't noticed it until then because of all the stuff going on with Seokjin hyung. That Jungkook had not dropped by my workroom or called me ever since he got out of the hospital.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now