2022, May 17 - Seokjin (Observing Taehyung's Abeoji)

17 1 0

[Places: Construction site, road]

"Get a move on. You gotta pull your weight!" The foreman yells out instructions to the other construction workers. "Tsk, coming for practical training when we're this busy... Oi, newbie! I'm sorry, but we've so busy that we won't have time to pay any special attention to you. Just keep shadowing and don't go anywhere dangerous."

"Yes, will do."

This is working out well. It'll be easier to observed Taehyung's abeoji without watchful eyes on me.

I put some space between myself and the foreman, slowly turning to take in the area. I spot Taehyung's abeoji. He seems to be working silently. I can't see anything wrong from the surface. Why does he get do violent at home?

The foreman seems to have been watching Taehyung's abeoji, too. He frowns, then yells loudly at Taehyung's abeoji. "Oi, you! Why aren't you working?"

Kim Sunghoon: Ah, there isn't any scaffolding here...

It seems he was trying to use a safety ladder with foot panels.

"Yah! You can't get any work done being all careful! There's a ladder over there. You can use that."

"Pardon? But..."

"Oh, come on. Are you going to pay for it if the schedule gets delayed, Mr. Kim? Hurry it up!"

A look appears on Taehyung's abeoji's face like he's just been wronged. But he seems to have accepted it. He opens up the ladder and begins working. It looks dangerous.

My concern must be visibly obvious, because the foreman makes conversation with me. "Ahem. Don't get the wrong idea. You might not be well aware of it yet, but it's hard to always follow the rules on site. We can't stay on schedule if we're not flexible."

"I see..." I don't know how to answer him.

I give what I think it is an acceptable response. Just then,...

"Oh, oh! Over there-!"

Thud. Taehyung's abeoji, who had just been standing on top of the ladder, is now on the ground. He groans.

"Damn it!" The foreman tsks and run towards the scene of accident.

Taehyung's abeoji manages to sit up, his hands supporting his back.

"How carelessly would you be? How are you feeling?"

"M-my back..."

"How bad is it? Enough to keep you from working today?"

"Augh... I think so- Ugh!"

"Huh, just how are you doing your job? Of course you'll get hurt if you don't pay attention." The foreman's trying to shift responsibility. "Here. Take this and get going for today. Stop by the hospital too, maybe." The foreman takes a few bills out of his pocket and hands them over.

He's trying to brush off an accident like this?

Taehyung's abeoji seems to have something to say. But... He withers under the intimidating stare of the foreman and accepts the money, resigned. He gets up and slowly walks away.



The foreman's voice startles me. I was too focused on Taehyung's abeoji's actions.

"Ahem. Scared you, didn't it? Don't worry too much about it. This is a rough worksite. Things like that happen occasionally."

"Ah, I see..."

"Here. Take this and get going for today." The foreman hands money to me, too.

"Huh? Why the money?"

"You've worked hard, so here's a little something for you to get a nice snack. Forget about everything that happened today. You know what I mean, right?"

I realize what the foreman's getting at. His brazen, selfish attitude makes me angry. But right now... Following Taehyung's abeoji is more important than getting into an argument with the foreman.

I rearrange my frown into a smile. "I'm okay with the money. I'll be heading out, then." I say goodbye to the foreman and hurry out of the construction site.

Taehyung's abeoji hasn't made it far, since he's hurt his back. I secretly follow him.

He walks slowly, almost dragging his feet, probably because of his injured back. Wait. Why's he walking on this road? Is there a hospital this way?

Taehyung's abeoji heads into a convenience store as I wonder. Why the convenience store? I decide to wait for him outside. He played it off like it wasn't a big injury at the site, but the accident was pretty severe. I don't think he'll be able to make it to work on the 19th because of that accident.

Taehyung's abeoji exits the convenience store with a bag of something.

"Is that... Alcohol?" He bought alcohol even though he hurt his back and can't walk properly?

Taehyung's abeoji continues on home while I stand in shock. It's unusual that he's trying to drink while injured. If he drinks in that state, I know this won't solve anything, but I call Taehyung out of worry.

Ring. Ring. Ring. He doesn't pick up.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now