2022, Apr 28 - Namjoon (Taehyung's Nightmare)

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[Place: Container]

I knew something was wrong with Taehyung. Although, he pretended to be fine, his anxiety came through in his behavior, expressions, and voice no matter how hard he tried. It wasn't about getting arrested for graffiti. To Taehyung, graffiti was a game, it was fun. The wounds and bruises that sometimes color his face must be from his violent abeoji, but that wasn't the reason. (A/N: I'm not sure if Namjoon from the other loops/or non-loops already knew about Taehyung's abeoji doing. If you read Seokjin's, he only know Taehyung's abeoji's violence from these loops. Not a story to tell by Taehyung himself.)

When his face was battered, Taehyung exaggerated even more, acting jovial and talking nonstop.

Taehyung seemed to be in a nightmare. I didn't press him to talk about it because I decided to wait until he was ready. I also doubted that I was qualified to be the one to listen to his troubles. I tried to act like a hyung and pretended to be mature, but I wasn't there when the others were going through their most  difficult times. They said I was mature and grownup, but that wasn't true.

Taehyung reminded me of what I experienced in that country village. In fact, the two had nothing in common. I was aware of that when I was living in that country village. But that boy had reminded me of Taehyung, just as Taehyung now reminds me of him. (A/N: Refer to December 17 Year 21)

"I have a favor to ask." What was the favor? Did the scooter really skid on damp leaves? Were the dogs still barking their heads off? What about my parents?

I shook my head. I stood up to force those thoughts to scatter. Just as I was about to step out of the container, Taehyung began tossing and turning like he was having a nightmare.

Taehyung awoke with a start when I shook his shoulders and sat there absentmindedly for a long time. He just let his tears run down his face and rambled on. He said Yoongi hyung di3d, Jungkook fell off the rooftop, and I got caught in a fight. He said he had had that dream repeatedly. It was so vivid that it felt like reality and reality felt like a dream.

"Don't leave me."

The face of that boy in the country village was superimposed on Taehyung's face. I couldn't bring myself to give him an answer. I couldn't bring myself to say that he didn't need to worry because I wasn't going anywhere.


(A/N: Missing translation from Korean book version)

"What happened?" I didn't ask that because I was waiting for Taehyung to talk about it himself.

At one point, I thought if I even had the right to hear about his worries. Acting like his hyung, acting like an adult but I wasn't a real adult. I was hesitating without realizing the reality in front of me.

“Yoongi hyung is d3ad.” Taehyung once again had a nightmare...

“Hyung, don't go anywhere.” Taehyung's voice trembled uneasily.

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