2022, May 2 - Seokjin (Saving Yoongi From Fire)

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(A/N: The fire happened between April 15~May 2, on both Taehyung and Seokjin's POV and in different places.)


(A/N: Loop #1)

[Places: road, motel, workroom]

Yoongi's disappeared.

"Hah... Ha... Where did he go?"

Yoongi was carrying a heavy looking bag when he left his workroom. He might be hiding gasoline like last time. I can't lose him now...

Yoongi moves differently than what I expect every loop, and this time is no different. Knowing that, I try my best not to take my eyes off Yoongi.

"Oh. I'm sorry." I bump into a passerby turning the corner, and Yoongi slips out of my sight. He disappeared in an instant. "Did he go that way?"

The moment I decide to step into the nearest motel... Huh? Oh! Fire! Over there! Thick black smoke erupts from one of the motel's windows.

I urgently shake off the people trying to stop me and run into the motel. I get to the door spewing smoke, but it's locked.

"Yoongi-ya!" I push as hard as I can, but the locked door refuses to budge. "Min Yoongi! Answer me! Please!"

But no matter how much I yell for him, Yoongi doesn't respond.

(A/N: Super short Yoongi POV so I'll just paste it here.)

There's a commotion outside. It sounds like someone is calling me.

"There's no way."

The unbearable heat overwhelms my body and the pain dims my consciousness.

This is how it ends...


(A/N: Loop #2. Back to Seokjin's POV)

[Places: container town, workroom, motel, alley]

I was so nervous that my fingers stiffened. I clenched and unclenched my fists. What if I fail? I'd done this repeatedly, but I felt terrified each time.

I took a slow, deep breath and thought about Yoongi. He must be drunk by now, clicking his lighter with one hand and holding his phone with the other. He might be lying on the couch, contemplating the reasons why he should go on living. Or the reasons not to.

How does Yoongi see the world and himself? I was faced with this question every time I tried to save him. I couldn't understand how he could keep trying to destroy himself. It didn't mean I was overjoyed living in this world or that each and every day of my life was filled with happiness. In fact, I was never captivated by anything, not even by life and death.

Looking back, I was no different when I first started all of this. Would I be able to straighten out the errors and mistakes and save all of us? I didn't grasp the depth and weight of this question. It was true that I desperately wanted to save all of us. No one deserves to die, to despair, to be suppressed, and to be despised.

On top of that, they were my friends. We might've had our flaws and scars and have been twisted up and distorted. We might've been nobodies. But we were alive. We had days to live, plans to follow, and dreams to fulfill.

At first, I didn't think much of it. I thought it'd all depend on how much effort I put in after I figured out who I needed to save and from what. That was what I'd thought. I believed I could solve it all by persuading them and changing things. I was that simple and naive. But it was no more than an attempt to save my own skin. After a series of trials and errors, I had a realization. It wasn't so simple to save the others.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now