2022, Aug 24 - Hoseok (Rocket Train and Railways)

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[Places: bridge, road]

On the bridge over the Yangji stream, I was looking down on the railway. The station announced a rocket coming into the platform. The people got on the train one by one. And with another BEEEP, the rocket was launched. I felt the wind flowing from it on my back.

I watched the rockets zooming in and out. As I watched the train becoming a distant blur, I wondered where it was going. Was it going to Hagok?

On the other side was Songju. From the distance, it looked peaceful and dull. It was hard to believe it was the very place for chaos that had lasted for weeks. With the redevelopment pushed back, the orphanage people were able to take a breacher. On the surface at least, things were returning to normal.

But were they really? Could the future be changed that simply? Sometimes everything changed or things got messed because of one tiny mishap. The problems you thought were solved could be hiding somewhere ready to jump on you when you were you least expecting them.

I walked away from the railing. The night wind felt cool. Thinking vaguely I was headed home, I started walking.

Songju sometimes felt as small as your palm but other times, it felt terrifyingly big. My room on the rooftop seemed more faraway than usual.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now