2022, Aug 12 - Yoongi (The Weight Seokjin Hyung Had To Carry)

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[Place: Restaurant]

It was night on a weekend, and the restaurant is crowded. The news was on TV. For the past several days, there had been nothing but news about the redevelopment plan. Today again, it was about the newly discovered illegal dealings.

The news began with pictures of the rundown areas of Songju followed by the commentary of the anchor. The people who were eating all turned their attention to the TV.

"There has been a continuing controversy concerning the Songju redevelopment plan. Last month, a document was discovered concerning an illegal agreement between City Hall and the police to overlook possible violence expected during the forced clearance of the area. Mr. Kim Seokjin, the son of Assemblyman Kim Changjun, asked to be interviewed to disclose the connection between the politicians and the companies, and what you are about to watch is a portion of that interview."

When the anchor's comment ended, they showed Seokjin hyung's interview in summary. The part about the Assemblyman Kim Changjun getting kickbacks from the construction company created a stir in the restaurant.

A man from the next table said, "I knew it. I knew it. That was why the police said they would keep their hands off it."

Someone put his spoon down and said, "Then are they going to put a stop to the plan? It was going to create more jobs, but now what?"

I looked around. Reproach and anger were everywhere.

I heard a man say behind me, "Wait a minute. Did the son just reported his own abeoji to the police?"

I couldn't begin to fathom the weight that Seokjin hyung had to carry from now on.

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