2022, Jul 21 - Hoseok (City Hall, Seokjin Hyung's Abeoji)

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[Place: City Hall]

The director and I spent the whole morning in front of the City Hall but no to avail. The City Hall people kept telling us nothing had been decided so we should wait. We asked to talk with the mayor, but it was obvious that was not going to happen. But we couldn't go back empty-handed.

We sat on the stairs of City Hall with the sun beating down on us until former brothers from the orphanage showed up. They said they'd stay in place of the director, but she just shook her head.

The mayor showed up past three, but he just walked right past us as if our wait had been for nothing. We wanted to follow in, but security and his aides stopped us. "Mr. Mayor! Please wait! Our orphanage! Yangji Children's Home is our home. You're taking away our home!" We screamed, but he didn't pay attention.

As I was coming down the stairs, Jimin called again. I'd forgotten to call him back. I didn't have the presence of mind to call or talk to anyone.

"Hyung, are you busy?" Hearing Jimin's voice, I realized how peaceful my world had been just a couple of days ago. We'd had misunderstandings and squabbles, but nothing this desperate.

"I'm a bit preoccupied because of the orphanage. What's up?"

After some hesitation, Jimin said, "Nothing much. I couldn't get hold of you---. You know what Seokjin hyung said---."

"Jimin-ah, I'm a bit busy right---."

At that moment, someone came down from the stairs and said, "We should go to the assemblyman. He's the one who made the announcement for the plan."

That assemblyman---. I realized then that the assemblyman, Kim Changjun, was Seokjin hyung's abeoji.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 2]Where stories live. Discover now