"We have a gift for you, Princess." Ragus started as he walk towards me.

"It is from the humans. We heard that humans give this rare gift to someone extremely important for them. The thought of you immediately came to our minds that is why we agreed upon ourselves to give it to you." he explained as he bring out a black piece of cloth with what seems to be a lock on both edges. The cloth has intricate design with stones adorned on it. It is beautiful to say the least.

"It is beautiful." I breathed out as I trace the pattern softly.

"Fit for our Princess." Locktis smile at me warmly.

"I do not know if I should--"

"Here, let me put it on you." Urokai was fast as he clasp the lock of the cloth on my neck. The cloth rest heavy on my neck as its end dip in between my breasts.

"The humans call it a necklace. They adorn themselves with important stones to express their status in society." Zarga exaplained as he too took a few steps towards me. I couldn't stop the blood from travelling towards my face too fast.

"Princess, what do you think about humans?" I turn my attention to Gradeus as he ask me the question. I tilt my head a little, confuse as to why would he ask me that kind of question.

"They are good craftsmen." I finally said as I trace the stones of the necklace. Some of them laugh while some shook their heads.

"Don't you think it's better for the nobles to just rule over them?" Ragus ask, his eyes staring deeply into mine.

"I think our occasional help is enough. They are not that helpless after all. Just look at Frankenstein."

"You took quite a liking to that human." Urokai stated, I heard that they fought and he loss an eye. Frankenstein is intelligent and strong like that, it is admirable.

"He is something." I said nodding my head.

"But Princess! He is a human! You cannot possibly be--"

"Sir Agvain!" Ragus interrupted Urokai to whatever he is saying.

"What is the matter with being friends with Frankenstein?" I asked, confused as to why would Urokai react that way. He didn't answer, instead he turn to look away from me.

"Princess, we think that it is better for the nobles to just rule over the humans. In that way, we can help them towards the right path. We would appreciate it if you view things with our perspective. We would also like you to propose this to the Lord." Zarga explained calmly. I furrowed my eyebrows together as I process the information that they are giving to me.

"But we are nobles. We must not dabble in human activities."

Ragus heaved a deep sigh and stare at me sharply.

"I thought we could sway you with words. It will be a waste of power to just force you into eternal sleep but you gave us no choice."

"Eternal sleep?" all of their stare turn dark as Ragus started to mumble under his breath. The necklace on my neck became tighter and tigher every passing second, my hands instinctively went to pull it off. All of my efforts is to no vain as I felt the stones burried themselves in my skin.
I let out a scream as they pierced my skin.

"What is the meaning of this?! What is happening?!" I look at all of them, panicking as they just stand there staring at me.

"You will be a nuisance in our plan to dominate Lukedonia and the world." Locktis whisper as he took a step towards Ignes who is smirking at my demise.

"The Noblesse will make you pay for this!" I shouted at them angrily. I tried to take off a stone in my neck, but no matter how much force I use, all of it is in vain.

Her Lover: Frankenstein (Noblesse FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ