Chapter 19

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We spent the whole day at the hospital talking to Yuna and everyone got a chance to see her. Though it was a little emotional for her when she finally got to see Namjoon.

I guess the last time she saw Namjoon was when they were in the car together so there's the trauma there and I wouldn't like to think what they both remember from what happened. Even Namjoon was a little emotional but kept it together so he wouldn't upset Yuna anymore than she already was. It's not often Yuna cries or gets emotional so when she does it's a big deal. 

It was pretty funny when she seen Jungkook though. I mean she kept to her word and didn't tell anyone especially my brother about the identity of my babys father which I was grateful but I didn't doubt her for a second but you can never be sure sometimes with anyone.

The way she would scowl at Jungkook every now and then but was nice to him despite the short glares she would throw his way but unexpectedly Jungkook had a phone call and left the room to take it privately and I haven't seen him since.

And that was six hours ago.

It makes me wonder where he went because Jimin and Yoongi also tried to call him since he was no longer at the hospital and I even texted him so no one would think anything of it. However no one heard anything from him and Yoongi had his turn to go pick up Minho from school while I came home with Jimin and Taehyung.

Namjoon and Jin decided to stay with her and Hoseok had to go back to the college to get a few things that he left there when he just suddenly up and left this morning without thinking.

I was in my room just finishing off a shower and changing into my pjs just to get comfy and then I was going to head downstairs and start making dinner. I didn't know what I wanted but I was rather hungry.

After picking up my phone from my bed I decided to text Jungkook again. I was starting to get worried since he's not even picked up any of my messages and lately since he's been staying here he's never ignored any of them before.

My bedroom door opens and quickly closes behind me and I turn around to see Taehyung standing there with his back against the door staring at me blankly.

I think I know what he's going to say. I just know it.

Sighing to myself I sat on the bed with phone in hand and prepared myself for a scolding fork my cousin.

"Y/n do you have something to tell me?" Taehyung

I just looked down at the carpet in silence. I want to tell him but the way he's looking at me is not making it any easier. If anything he looks pissed right now and I don't know if it's because I kept this from him or because Jungkook is the father of my child.

"I do."

"Then care to explain to me what that deep dark secret is y/n? Because I'd really like to hear it from you." Taehyung

He steps closer but keeps a distance. When I look up at him he raises a brow and crosses his arms in waiting.

"Okay. Fine. Jungkook is the father of my child. There I said it."

I dropped my phone to the side of me but flinched when he suddenly rushed over to wave his hands in the air all while whisper yelling at me unexpectedly.

"Why didn't you tell me this in the first place?! Do you not trust me?! Does Lisa know this?! Who else knows this? Because I know damn well that Jimin and Yoongi don't because they wouldn't be letting him stay here if they did!" Taehyung

Bombarded with all his questions I had to take a moment while staring back at him to think about everything he just said.

"I didn't tell you because I was worried about how you would think about all this. Jungkook is one of your best friends and a married one at that."

"None of that matters y/n you still should of told me. Who else knows of this?" Taehyung

His hands now traveled to his hips and continued to stare me down for answers. I sighed and pulled my legs up to on to the bed and scooted back a little bit.

"Namjoon knows, Yuna now knows and....and Lisa knows."

He immediately gasped and steps back in shock. The betrayal written all over his face. I panic and jump off the bed to grab him by the arms before he could try to leave.

"Just wait! Before you say and do something stupid Tae listen to me! Okay?"

He only nods quietly and allows me to speak and explain.

"First I begged her not to tell you to anyone. I don't want people knowing just yet and you have no idea how hard it's been for her to keep this secret from you. Really it's been so hard on her and please don't blame her she was just trying to be a good friend to me. Please!"

He says nothing but blankly stare back at me. We only stare at each other in silence until he finally break it.

"Fine I won't say anything to her about keeping secrets. But I'm still not happy about it." Taehyung

I let him go and take a breath of relief that he won't argue with Lisa. She had been feeling guilty all this time and I don't want to be the reason to why they could have problems or break up if the argument got worse.

"So how did they find out before me?" Taehyung

"They were there when I took the test and I told them out of my panicked yet shocked state that it was Jungkook."

I walked back to the bed and sat back down on it facing him. He too comes over and sits beside me.

"How did he find out anyway? Jungkook I mean?" Taehyung

I sadly recall the day I told him in my head. It's still saddens me even if Jungkook and I are okay now.

"Well he didn't take it well. He only explained to me how he couldn't be there for the baby and he's married and that he loves her. We're okay now though."

I forced a smile to him but he knows me too well to know that it's a fake smile and that by my tone it's still upsetting to think.

"He really said that? Jeez I thought to find out that he was having a kid he would be overjoyed even if it was with you. Put I'm gonna hit him next time I see him." Taehyung

I chuckled a little bit.

"You don't have to worry about that. Namjoon got there first but didn't hit him just spoke to him about it. You know how he is with words. He can be brutal sometimes."

Taehyung stifles a laugh because he knows this exactly what Namjoon is like when he's angry.

"Yeah well that's good but one day I'll hit him. You're still my baby cousin after all. But I'd like to see what Jimin does when he finds out. I think that'll be Jungkooks last day on earth when that happens." Taehyung

We laugh together now feeling a little more at ease with the conversation but we both get startled when a certain little boy comes bursting in the room. His sad expression has me all worried that something bad happened and he rushes over to me for a hug.

"What's wrong Minho? Did something bad happen at school?"

I pull up my little brother onto my lap but he says nothing but cuddle closer. Instead someone else enters the room to speak for him speaking the words that shock me at the unexpected news that also makes Taehyung curse out loud in anger even with a little boy in the room.

"Jungkooks gone. He took all his stuff." Jimin

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