Chapter 14

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The café has been busy this afternoon but was slowly calming down, after everyone coming in for lunch and ordering their food. I honestly love working at this place and it keeps my mind off things. Lisa was coming in at a later shift but she texted me saying she went to see Yuna and spoke with the doctors and they told her that Yuna's health is improving and she could wake up soon possibly but still not to get out hopes up but I'm happy with that, its better than never waking up.

So that led to the good mood I was in, I was no longer stressing and I'm quite content with the way things are now after all that drama. Jungkook now keeps far away from me, he doesn't look nor touch or even speak with me and honestly I'm okay with that now. I have other things to worry about and everyone else has been a massive help, even Minho my younger brother is excited about becoming an uncle.

Hoseok too has been a massive help too, he's like the support that I needed from Jungkook but instead I received it from him. He lifts that last bit of weight off my shoulders and I cant be more grateful for him.

In fact I have my first doctors appointment for a check up in the next hour and Hosoek was due to pick me up to take me and then we're meeting Jimin there because he really wanted to come with me. Jin was kind enough to allow me to leave earlier too so to keep myself busy while I wait for Hosoek to come I went into the back kitchen to pile on some cakes on a tray for the display since we were running low on some after the lunch time rush.

After piling on the what cakes I could I walked though to the front and placing the tray next to the display cabinet. Jin was standing at the cash register just after serving a customer and began to make the drinks that had been ordered.

The bell chimed from the main door to the cafe and I immediately looked up in hopes for Hoseok but unfortunately it was not. In fact I wish I didn't look at all. There coming in to the cafe holding hands and whispering in each other's ears was Jungkook and his wife Nayeon.

I stood and stared at the couple as they found a seat and Jungkook sat next to her picking up a little menu that was on the table. He was smiling and it seems like he was having fun with his beautiful wife on his side. I couldn't tear my sights form the scene but sadly I made it too obvious and it caught the attention of Jungkook shocked by my presence and did a double take when he seen me.

Gasping I went back to doing my work filling the display cabinet with cakes making sure they were presented nicely for customers.

"Y/n are you okay? Your hands are shaking." Jin

He whispers in my ear picking up one chocolate chip muffin from the tray that I had brought through. I'd didn't notice my hands were shaking I thought I was rather fine.

"I'm okay just nervous about my first appointment."

I whispered back because I didn't want Nayeon to hear me since there was a possibility she could since the cafe was calming down with people now leaving and only a few to come in.

"You're first appointment will be fine and don't worry I won't tell Nayeon about the secret between you and Jungkook." Jin

I gasped in shock taking a step back from him to see his now more visible grinning face.

"What? How did you know?"

"Oh my dear cousin. I notice these things it's not hard to our two and two together from what I know. Your secret is safe with me." Jin

Pretending to zip his lip and then picking up a tray he prepared and walking out from behind the counter and to the customers waiting at a table near by.

I watched him walk away but some how my sights ended up on Jungkook who was staring  at me but only to look away when I caught him and back to talk with Nayeon about the menu.

Tearing my sights from him I continue with the cakes and the bell from the door went off again. I expected it to be Hoseok but again I was wrong.

It was my ex, Dohyun.

With a disappointed sigh I decided to serve him and step to the cash register.

"What can I get for you dohyun?"

I didn't use my friendly perky voice with him but more like my unbothered annoyed voice. I was not in the mood for his rubbish today.

"Well hello to you too y/n! I'd like a americano to go and a croissant please? No wait make that two croissants." Dohyun

I nod and ring it up on the cash machine giving him the asking price and he pays politely but not without removing his grin that was starting to creep me out but every now and then while I made his drink would I spot him looking down at my stomach. It made me feel uncomfortable but I couldn't say much of it.

After finishing his drink I gave it to him and picked up two croissants from the baskets displayed behind me. Placing them in a paper bag and handing it to him with a forced smile.

"There you go have a nice day."

He took the bag from me and picked up his drink but didn't leave just yet.

"Y/n could I ask you something?" Dohyun

I rolled my eyes and nod leaning over the counter top when he gestured to come closer.

"Are you pregnant?" Dohyun

Taken back from his whispered question I stepped back. How did he know? How did he find out?

"That's really none of your business Dohyun."

I stated and wanted nothing more for him but to leave now. Jin comes walking back over and again I could see form the corner of my eye Jungkook watching what was going on while Nayeon was busy in her phone.

"What's going on? Dohyun what are you doing here?" Jin

"Oh I just ordered something thanks but y/n I just want to off my services if you neee any help at all. I'm here for you." Dohyun

He winks at me and I scoff rolling my eyes. Even with now knowing I'm pregnant he's still trying to get somewhere with me.

"That won't be necessary Dohyun. I can take care of her perfectly fine."

Dohyun was quick to spin around to see Hoseok standing there with a blank expression. It freaked out dohyun with Hoseoks presence and he ran out the cafe.

"Hoseok you should be around more often that kid is always trying to get back with Y/n." Jin

"I think I might then. Y/n are you ready to go? Jimin already texted me to say he's already at the hospital waiting." Hoseok

I nod taking off my apron and handing it to Jin.

"I swear that kid is more excited that any of us thought he'd be." Jin

"You're telling me."

I laughed grabbing my back from the back room very quickly just eager to get out of here and to my appointment with Hoseok. Racing back though to the front I hugged Jin good bye and then took Hoseoks hand and pulled him eagerly out the cafe.

I couldn't stand Jungkooks dirty looks any longer. He had done nothing but glare at me and dohyun since dohyun had entered and he only got worse when he seen Hosoek come in.

I don't understand his problem but I don't care, he's got a wife and I'm just focusing on my child.

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