Minho stood up also turning around to see me coming and squeals and starts to splash me. Trying to create big waves to get me to go away. He did not bad with the splashes he made towards me, I had to wipe my face to get rid of the water in my eyes.

It was hilarious so while laughing I jumped over to him and grabbed him picking him up and picking him up over my shoulder kicking and laughing. I planned to walk over to the deep end and throw him just like Taehyung does when he plays with him.

"No!! Y/n!! Don't do it!! Have mercy!!" Minho

I laughed harder stomping my way through the water until the water was level just below my hips preparing myself to throw him.


I threw him into the water not too far obviously only arms reach away but just enough for him to think he went flying. As he hit the water with a loud yelp he created a large splash but it was worth it. With hands on my hips laughing at my little brother swimming to the surface and to the opposite, I watched him climb out and playfully scowl at me with his hands in his hips copying me.

"What are you two doing out here?" Yoongi

Both of us turn to the sound of yoongis voice walking out the back door with an large grin on his face taking in the view of Minho and I playing about in the pool.

"Y/n, threw me in the water! Now I'm mad!" Minho

He stomps his foot and pouts his lips. I couldn't help the laughter of not taking him seriously. Yoongi did the same thing laughing at Minho in his cute glory but I stopped when I noticed the second figure walk through the back door with his hands in his pockets staring back at me.

Th every person I've been trying to avoid for weeks now and he's right here in my garden. He stood beside Yoongi holding eye contact with me until he lowers his gaze to my stomach which I'm already self conscious about so when he lingers there for longer that I'd like I lowered myself so the water could cover my belly.

Yoongi walks away from Jungkook towards Minho and approaches the small pouting boy to whisper in his ear. I squint my eyes at him, in wonder to what they're up to. I know just not good and Minho and yoongi laughing mischievously just shows me they're up to no good.

"What are you two up to?"

"Nothing y/n." Yoongi

He laughs walking away from Minho and takes a seat by the garden chairs. Only did I look away when I seen Jungkook joining him in another chair.

"Minho! I'm watching you!"

I exclaim to him but my little brother shrugs and walks around the pool grinning to himself with his hands behind his back. Only did I figure out what he was doing when Minho ran and jumped into the pool landing very close to me creating an even bigger splash than he did the first time when he slashed me when he was kicking.

"Minho!!! Yoongi you told him to do that!!"

I yelled I Yoongi with a playful glare standing up again from the water and wiping my face. Yoongi held his hands up in surrender with widen eyes.

"Jeez y/n it's for nothing to do with me." Yoongi

I scoff and turn around to pick up Minho and throw him again. I caught him off guard this time so he didn't even see it coming. I laughed in satisfaction after my revenge throw with a smug look on my face.

Minho and I continued back and forth swimming and splashing each other. He wanted some to run and jump in the pool with him but now being pregnant I didn't feel to confident in doing that so I had to explain to Minho how I couldn't and after I told him he understood too. He knows he's going to be a uncle and he's very excited.

He couldn't hold in his excitement when he was reminded of being an uncle and I heard Jungkook laughing at his reaction to which I tried to ignore so badly but to see him sitting in my back garden and to see that he's watching me makes me uncomfortable.

All this swimming actually got me tired so I told Minho it was time to go back inside. He easily agreed because he too grew tired after his busy day of birthday parties and swimming all afternoon. Minho got our first and headed inside where as I was too shy to get out but hoped if I was fast the two men wouldn't notice since the two were in conversation about something.

I pulled myself out the pool and made my way to the door to head back inside but froze when I heard Yoongi speak.

"Woah!! Y/n are you starting to show already?!" Yoongi

I grimaced a little and turned more to face him with a forced smile. It's not because of him it's because of Jungkook sitting there looking at me over his shoulder checking me up and down. He expressed a saddened look something I chose to ignore.

"Yeah I guess you could say that."

I nervously scratched the back of my neck and was about to walk back inside until yoongi spoke again.

"By the way y/n just a heads up that Jungkook will be staying with us for a few days." Yoongi

Just great, now I'll have to see him every day until he leaves. And I'm not stupid to why he's staying here. What's the bet that Nayeon found out about me being pregnant and Jungkook has been staying somewhere and Yoongi only found out about it.

When it comes to Yoongi or my brother with Jungkook or anyone they're close to they'd help them in any way and because they don't know of Jungkook and I's situation they would tell him to stay the night or at least a couple days.

It's going to be so awkward but there's not much I could say. So I nodded and plastered the fakest smile I could.

"Okay then. By the way Hoseok is coming over again tonight."

"Didn't you see him last night too?" Yoongi

I nod eagerly not really caring how he found out, most likely from Hoseok himself. I looked at Jungkook who was now instead of looking at me like just before he's now glaring at Rose bush that I'm stood next to.

"Yeah but we wanted to hang out again tonight. He might spend the night we'll see."

I shrugged and walked back into the house but not with out hearing Yoongi tell Jungkook that Hoseok and I had been hanging out a lot more recently because we have. Hoseok is a great guy and he's been helping me out a lot. He's helped me in way that really Jungkook should be helping me with, it's not about money or anything it's just about the support and care and that's what Hoseok along with my friends and family have been giving me.

I couldn't ask for better friends and family.

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