"I'm skipping class." she answered with a sheepish smile but was replaced by a frown.

"Do my presence bother you?"

"Of course not." Frankenstein immediately answer. If it is his master, he'll have to just stand and do nothing so this is better. It is always better whenever she's around.

"Why am I feeling something off of you?" He did not realize that Reina is already in front of him until she had taken both of his hands to her own.

"What is wrong Frankenstein?" She asks as her hand softly touch the side of his face, he instinctively leans into her touch.

"I cannot rest. Nightmares." his big hand completely covers her as he brought it to his lips.

"Let me chase them away from you." she whisper and Frankenstein decided to blindly follow her to his chamber.

The bed dip as both of the climbed on. She opens her arms to welcome him and he eagerly let himself be buried in her warmth.

His haggard breath tickles the side of her neck while his arms hug her small body and his leg anchored hers. Her hands then found his hair and softly comb through it. He felt her place a gentle kiss on his forehead. He sighs in contentment as he buries his face deeper in her neck, inhaling her natural scent.

After a few minutes, his breath becomes steady along with his heartbeat, he is fast asleep. This kind of rest is always the most tranquil for him. He could never make sense of how she can possibly prevent the nightmares. Is it her warm? Her softness? Her everything?


Raizel processes the details and possible reasons for the events that happened in a short period of time.

"I think Gejutel is in an awkward position." Frankenstein concludes as he was brought back to reality.

"The pure blood of Kertia that came here, his purpose was to take Seira to the Lord. Also, she ordered that Regis should not go along with them. It seems that Gejutel is in trouble for not talking about you." Raizel silently agrees with all of the information that Frankenstein delivered. After a few moments of silence...

"Maybe it's time to return."

"I will get everything prepared as soon as possible." Frankenstein bows his head and immediately left to make preparations.

"Why did you call us on such short notice? There wasn't anything scheduled today."

"I have to attend some personal matters that is why I will have to speed up the experiments on you." Frankenstein explains calmly as he assesses the data on the papers that he'd been holding.

"Speed up the experiments..." the three slowly process the explanation he gave them.

"In what ways?" one of them asks.

"Stabilize your physical abilities as soon as possible and add a few extras that I have been experimenting with."

Sweats slowly form on their foreheads as they think of different kinds of possibilities.

"Is this related to what happened just now?" Takeo asks as Tao nervously bit his nail while M-21 stayed silent.

"Just now?" The blonde asks as he stopped his assessment on the papers and look to them.

Takeo decided to explain...

"After you guys left, there was a huge explosion of powers. Tao found the origin of the explosion. Was that caused by you guys and Rael?"

Her Lover: Frankenstein (Noblesse FF)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz