Part 95

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So to make things quick we went out and took some pics with the fans and signed some autographs. The boys weren't the only ones though. All five of us were equally taking pics with fans and signing posters because at the photo shoot on Wednesday we were on the cover of a british teen magazine! AHHHH!

So yeah after that we got back in the bus and drive off to Bradford first. Oh also Niall is gonna take a jet back to Ireland with Kailey after we take everyone home. So about 45 minutes later we pull up to Zayns house.

Him and Allee stand up and everyone starts crying. Even me and Kailey! We go aside and all hug Allee crying and had one group hug. We finish and look over at the boys. There all crying worse than us and hugging. Liam seemed the most upset. Louis was trying not to cry, just a lot of snuffling. I went up and whispered into his ear,

" It's ok you can cry. I won't laugh I think it's sexy!" he turned and looked at me eyes watering. "Thanks love"was all he said forcing a half smile before bursting into tears. He was in fact such a babydoll when crying.

So about 15 minutes of crying they had to get out. We walked them to the door, hugged them once more and got back into the bus. Liam couldn't stop crying. We slowly pulled away leaving them outside the house crying in each others arms. We drove off Liam still crying.

About a half hour Liam and Tori had to leave. We did the same thing all over again. Alot of crying and tissues everywhere. Niall was pretty upset and couldn't stop crying. He started to hyperventilate and Kailey had to calm him down. They got off the bus and we hugged them again. I think it's the hardest for Niall because he has to watch everyone of us leave before him. We got back into the bus and drove off.

I hate seeing the boys this upset. Everyone seemed surprised when they realized that Kailey and I were crying nonstop. Louis had to calm me down he seemed worried because I never cry. And I told him, "I hate seeing guys cry because it just breaks my heart!" he laughed at me and I rested on his shoulder until we were at Harry's house.

Then I started crying again. We got up and hugged Rachel and Harry. Louis seemed really upset and so did Harry. There bromance was being broken apart for the very first time. They hugged and rocked back and forth Louis crying like crazy and Harry comforting him even though he also was crying. They stayed like that for a while until Paul cleared his throat. Louis had stopped crying and let go of Harry they got out of the bus an we hugged once again.

Bad idea because we couldn't get Louis off Harry. They started crying all over again. It was quiet awkward because us three girls and Niall were standing there not know what to do. We tried grabbing Louis but he wouldn't move. Paul had to come out and grab Louis and carry him to the car while Louis screamed, flailing his arms and legs. It was a sad scene and we all started crying especially Harry who got down on his knees and covered his face with his hands.

I bursted out crying into Nialls shirt and he held onto me rubbing my back. We soon heard Paul yell at us to get into the bus. We left Harry and rachel with one last goodbye and got back on the bus.

The sight I saw made me burst into tears again I got into the bus to see Paul holding down Louis in a seat with Louis screaming and crying. He saw me and tried to run into the bathroom but Paul held him down. The bus started and we pulled away slowly from a crying Harry and went on our way to Louis house.

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt