Part 74

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So Louis dropped off Harry and Rachel in Southlake town square to pick a restaurant and then they could go shopping. Rachel i think knows about our little switch people because she winked at me. We said bye and they got out of the trunk. Then Louis dropped us off at Main Event in Grapevine. We said bye and they left. We walked in and Niall whistled. "Do you want to go bowling or something else here?" I asked. "Oh yeah! Let's go do the arcade!" he said grabbing my hand and running off.

He got credits on a card and we began. We played like 100 games and at one point went in a virtual roller coaster. It was so much fun! After we used up the credits we went to the place to redeem the points for toys. We had so many points that we could get anything we wanted! Niall got a remote helicopter. I got a lava lamp and with the remaining points, got a butt load of candy. I was kinda surprised that no body seemed to notice us. Then again the whole place was filled with teens on dates also. So this means that I, Addy, am on a date with Niall. I start to feel bad because I'm cheating on Louis. I snap out of it and walk out of Main Event with Niall.

"I just called Louis and told him we were ready to be picked up" he said smiling. We sat down on the curb and ate our candy. It was like 4:00! When Louis gets here we need to go eat pronto! We would of ate there but Niall and I wasted all our cash playing arcade games! I pick up a clover and start playing with it. "STOP!" he says grabbing the clover. I look at him strangely. "This is a four leaf clover!" he says smiling. I smile back. "I'm going to keep this as a reminder of our first date Addy!" WHAT! HE FOUND OUT HOW?! I stood there with my mouth open. "Hhhow did you know it was me?!" I said in  disbelief. "Well you seemed to blank out a lot and Kailey doesn't do that" he says. I blush. "Oh also also your boobs are smaller!" he said looking down. MY BOOBS ARE SMALLER! Ok I know they are small but I didn't think there was that much of a difference between mine and Kailey's! I smacked his shoulder and he just started laughing. I laughed too because he's such a smart ass!

We stop and look up at each other. "Did u and Kailey switch on purpose?" he asked being serious. I told him the whole plan and then how it was my idea. He just laughed. "I guess I'm very observant!" he smiled. Then Louis pulled up in his truck and we hopped in the back. "One thing" I said. "Don't tell anybody! None of the boys or even the girls. This is our secret. Ok?" I said being dead serious. "Deal love!" he said and Lou drive off.

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?Where stories live. Discover now