Part 89

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The bus driver drove into a truck stop a few minutes later. He got out and went to sleep on the other bus with the crew. We were all alone. We all sat down in a circle and decided to play truth or dare.

"Louis truth or dare?" I asked. "Truth!" "How many girlfriends have you had?" He starts to pull out his phone. "What do you need a calculator for it Louis?" Kaliey yells out. "BUURRRNNN!" us girls yell out. "No actually I've only had three!" he said smiling.

"Ok moving on. Liam truth or dare?" Zayn asked. "Dare!" "Ok I dare you to go make some cereal." Zayn says. "That's easy!" Liam says laughing. "But you have to eat it with a spoon!" Zayns evil eyes glistened. Liam's eyes got very big and he looked terrified.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" we all yelled clapping our hands. He went over and made the cereal and picked up a spoon, hands shaking. He took a bite and swallowed. Then he threw the spoon at us and say back down. We couldn't stop laughing. Niall had gotten the whole thing on his phone and we kept replaying it. After that it was Niall's turn.

"Truth or dare?" Louis asked. "Dare!" "Ok I dare you to go put on each others under garments and come out here. Kailey and Niall looked at each other and walk back into the bathroom. A few minutes later they came out and Niall was wearing Kailey's bra and panties. Kailey was wearing Niall's boxers and a sports bra.

"Niall you never told us that you wear sports bras!" Harry said cracking up. "I'm not stupid enough to come out here without a bra on. This is mine!" Kailey said laughing. "Man i was hoping you would!" Zayn yelled out. They walked around modeling and then sat back down.

"Ok Harry truth or dare?" Allee asked. "Um dare?" "Ok I dare you to run around the motor home butt naked!" she giggles. "that's easy!" Harry says starting to take his clothes off. "No not so easy!" Allee said. "You have to sing at the top of your lungs One Thing!" Harry's eyes got kinda big but he soon stripped and ran outside.

All of the boys covered our eyes except for Rachel. I could hear him screaming One Thing and we were all laughing. Then the worst thing in the world happened...

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?Where stories live. Discover now