Part 38

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ADDY POV: Mom made grilled peanut butter sandwiches and homemade popcorn. We sit down and watch Dance Moms. It's really funny how some people think that this is real! I watched this once at dads and he would walk by, stop, say this is stupid and sit down and watch. It's kinda funny. The whole thing is staged but I still like it. We finish dinner and say goodnight to each other. I go upstairs and I call up Lou. "Hey love how's it going?" Lou answers in his soft voice. "Good! Bored that's why I called you!" I say smiling. I guess Louis read my mind because he asked if I could FaceTime him. I said of corse and hung up. A couple seconds later he FaceTimed me and we talked for hours. About practically everything! I think I fell asleep while we were face-timing because I woke up the next morning and it was still on. I woke up to Louis staring at me from my phone. I screamed and he jumped. I started laughing. "Where you staring at me even while I fell asleep?" I asked. "I stayed up the whole night watching you sleep. Your so beautiful when you sleep. You look like an angle!", Louis brags then blushes and looks down. "AWW!" Harry? "SHUT UP HARRY. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING US?" Louis yells. "A while", I hear Harry in the background. We ignore him and start talking again

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?Where stories live. Discover now