Part 23

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PART23: "Hey guys she said it was ok! I can come over!" I tell them happily. "YAY! OFFICIAL SLEEPOVER!" Harry and Liam yell. "Stop it guys. Let's get in Zayns car. Come on", Louis says between laughs. They all pile in, Zayn driving, Liam riding shotgun, and Harry, Niall and Louis in the back. "Where am I gonna sit?" I ask. "In my lap of corse love!" Louis smiles. I get in and sit on his lap. Zayn starts the car and we're off. A couple of minutes later Harry yells out,"Hey guys let's sing Addy a song!" "Which one?" Zayn calls from the front. "Of corse our favorite!" Liam says smiling at me. I blush. Then they start singing "More than This" they all sound like angles especially Niall's solo. Wait what am I talking about? Louis was the best! Or was It? "How did you like it love?" Louis asks in my ear. "I loved it especially you!" I lie, I think. I hear Niall mutter under his breath, "Yeah this song it my life." I turn and look and him. He smiles and me and then looks down. I don't think anyone else heard him except me, so I look back at Louis, smile and close my eyes. Some time later Niall wakes me up gently saying we were at the hotel. I thank him and smile at him sweetly. He blushes. Louis picks me up and we go inside.

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?Where stories live. Discover now