Part 4

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PART4:It was Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson! I just stood there like a complete idiot as they came over to me. Don't get me wrong I know who One Direction is but I'm no fangirl crazmatic like some people. I look up and Louis is right in my face. I can see his beautiful blue eyes and his perfect smile. He was smiling at me! I blushed. "Hey nice car", Louis says. "Sorry bout hitting you Niall was bugging me and i stopped paying attention." "Yeah I saw a nandos shop and was trying to convince Louis to pull in and then we started fighting", Niall says. "iiit's ok. It's not bad", I say looking at the back of my car. I look back up and Louis is staring at me again! I keep looking back into those wonderful eyes. He's mesmerizing! I snap out of it and change the subject. "How's your car?" Louis starts laughing. "It's fine but the important thing is are you ok?" I stop and think about that question. Am I really ok? This is why I shouldn't think to much because the next thing I know I'm crying my eyes out in front of the two handsomest boys in my life!! "Hey hey it's ok" Louis says as he hugs me. "I don't know what's wrong but it will be ok. Got it doll?!", he says in my ear. "By the way what's your name? You probibally already know mine and Niall's!" "It's Addalyn but you can call me Addy." I say "I need to call my dad and tell him I'll be a few minutes late to his house." I say looking straight into Louis eyes. "Addy that's a cute name! And go ahead and called your dad. We don't mind", Niall called from behind. He smiles at me. I blush once again and dial up dad.

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?Where stories live. Discover now