Part 76

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We all just sat there and listened. Laughed when we needed to and when the story was over we turned to Kailey for hers.


After we dropped off everybody else I told Louis which way to go to the mini golf place. It was called Amazing Jake's. We walked in and went to the indoor mini golf. It was pretty cool because everything was glow in the dark. Louis payed for us to play and we started. I'm pretty good and mini golf because our house backs up to a golf course so we are members to golf. But Louis on the other hand was terrible. I had to help him a couple if times and he started to do better. By the 18th hole I was 25 under him. We finished and had a good laugh.

Then he saw that there were go carts here so he wanted to ride those. He paid again and we got in line. Louis put his sunglasses and hoodie on not to be noticed. We stood in line for about ten minutes before it was our turn. Then we went out on the track and sat in a go cart. I got a purple one and Louis of course got red. 3,2,1...GO! and we were off!

There was about eight go carts racing. I headed off into the front but was soon passed by Louis. We made one lap and I passed him. I looked back and stuck out my 

tongue. But when I did I hit the side of the track and flew out of control. I made a three cart wreck. I apologized to the other people and the staff had to come out and help us. We finished the lap last and pulled into the drop off area. Louis got out and ran over to see if I was ok. I thought I was fine until Louis started freaking out. "BL...BL...BLOOD!" he yelled. "I DON'T DO BLOOD. I DON'T DO BLOOD!" he slowly started to back away from me. I found out that it was just my lip bleeding! I licked them and smiled at Louis. He was in shock. "Well I'm not kissing you today!" he said a little freaked out still. Good because I don't want you to kiss me I'm Kailey! I just smile.

He goes to a staff member and asks for a bag of ice. We get it and it on my lip. Hopefully it won't swell up! We decide to leave because Harry and Niall have texted Louis saying there ready to be picked up. So we get in the car. I was curious to know if he had any doubt that I wasn't Addy. So I said, "Sorry about the little wreck I had!" He responded saying,"it's ok Addy. I kinda like to have wrecks with you because that's how I met you!" he said smiling at me. Great he does think I'm Addy and now I've stooped down to her clumsiness! I just smile and keep the ice on my lip as we drive away. 

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora