Part 56

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We walk in and get up to the room. I fricken left my phone in the car and so did Kailey but she swore she had it. I bet you the boys took them so that we would have to look through their clothes! We unlocked the door and started looking.

I went through Louis and Liam's suitcases cause they were right next to each other. Kailey got the other two. It was kinda gross looking though their clothes. At least they were all clean...I think. I found Liam's really quickly. Kailey found Niall's also. I couldn't find Louis for a while. Then I found them at the bottom with his boxers and briefs. I pulled them out and yelled,"I AM THE MASTER COMMANDER!" (ghost in the stall YouTube video go watch it!:)) Kailey turned around and started laughing. She found Harrys trunks but they weren't trunks but a SPEEDO! we just stared at it and started bursting out laughing. Then Kailey grabbed a pair of Niall's boxers and put them in her purse. I looked at her like an idiot. She started laughing"Don't tell deal?" I agreed. We put the trunks in a plastic bag and headed back down to our cars.

I decide to call Rachel in the elevator and tell her to come over. A couple days before I told her about the whole Louis thing so she knows and won't freak out. But I didn't tell her that they are staying at my house. The phone rings and she answers on the first ring.

"Hello?" "Hey Rachel! It's Addy!" "Oh hey Addy what's up?" "Oh I was just wandering if you wanted to come over to my house to go swimming with One Direction!" *hear like five minutes of non stop screaming* "Uh heck ya! I'll be over in like ten minutes! See ya!" "K bye and BE CALM!" we hang up. I tell Kailey that Rachel is coming over. "Oh good! I haven't seen her in a long time! It will be nice!" she says as we head out the hotel. We got in our cars and head back home.

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt