Part 64

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This is like the first time in about two days that I'm alone with Lou. Don't get me wrong I LOVE the boys, but I do like some quiet time also. I lay my head on his bare chest and he plays with my hair. We talk for a while. He puts my hair in a side braid and we just lay there. Then I get up and take off my shirt. I turn off the lights.

"Now that we have some alone time I thought we could do this." I said getting back into bed. He jumped on top of me and we kissed. He held my neck and moved my hair out of the way. Even in the dark we knew each other so well. We rolled over so I was on top of him and we kissed harder and longer. We were ten minutes in when the door opened up. I screamed thinking that it was my mom! But it wasn't. It was Harry.

"Uh... Oh! Sorry I just have to grab something..." he said pulling something out of his pants on the floor. It was a plastic wrapper. "Oh god Harry! It your first day with her! Why?" Louis said getting up. Harry smiled and closed the door in Louis face. Come on Rachel what have you gotten yourself into! He turns and looks at me giving me the wondering eye look. "Not today" I say. "Maybe after the concert!" he sighs and gets back into bed. We get back to what we left off and it was wonderful.


Addy is so amazing that it's so surreal to be without her! When Harry came in and grabbed the condom I was very jealous that he was already gonna do it. But thats just Harry and he is such a flirt that if I was Rachel I would say yes too! When he left I got back to Addy. She said maybe after the concert! I couldn't wait! I love her so much and I'm thinking of a way to make sure we stay together... We get back to making out. After twenty or more minutes we decide to really go to bed. She's so beautiful when she sleep. I'm one lucky man...

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?Where stories live. Discover now