Part 48

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The next day we woke up and I immediately ran into Kailey's room jumping on her bed. The boys were all still asleep so I tried to be quite. She screamed. Too late! I got in bed with her and we just laid there. I talked to her and suddenly Niall opened the door. He smiled. "Hey! Good morning! None of the other boys are up, just me", he says yawning. Kailey just sat there in stun silence. I look over at her and laugh. "I didn't know that you love 1D?" I said. "Are you kidding? smiling."Except for one thing" He didn't tell us what though. "Hi Kailey! I'm Niall but you already new that I'm guessing!" Kailey ran up and hugged him. I felt a pain in my chest but it quickly went away. "I heard you have a HUGE crush on me. Is that correct?" he said smiling. "Addy!" she turns to look at me. I smile and shrug my shoulders. "Yeah I kinda do", she says blushing. "Well let's find out!" he says grabbing her hand. "Let's go wake the boys and go make breakfast." I said walking out of Kailey's room. We walk back into my room and I jump onto my bed waking Louis up. He shot up outa the bed and pulled me in and kissed me. It startled me but I don't mind. "Good morning love. Did you sleep well?" he said sweetly. I told him I did and we got up. Kailey and Niall woke everyone else up. We all got up and went downstairs. Thank god Niall told Harry to put his boxers on though. That would've been very bad...

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