Part 91

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We all pretty much woke up at the same time. Nobody seemed to know anything bout last night and we are keeping it that way.

We get up and have some poptarts for breakfast. We sit down and eat. So the plan for today is all five of us have to go home and pack up everything because we are leaving for England this afternoon! When we found this out all five of us stood up and screamed. I still can't believe this is happening!

So Liam called Paul from the other bus to get the exact time the jet was leaving and to tell him we were taking the tour bus to my house. He got off the phone and said the jet was leaving at 2:45. So Louis got in the drivers seat and we rode to my house. It took about a half hour to get there because of the morning traffic.

So we get to my house and we all split up with our boyfriends. Zayn takes Allee and they take his car to her house. They drive off. Louis lets Liam drive his truck Tori in the passenger seat. Then Harry and Rachel piled in the back. Rachel and Tori live in in the same neighborhood so it will be good. They all drive off waving. So know its me Kailey Niall and Lou.

We all walk into my house to find mom and dad standing there. They both ran up to Kailey and I and hugged us saying they are so proud of us. Then they asked to see our gifts from the boys. Dad stepped aside and started talking to the boys. I hope he doesn't scare Niall because this is the first time they have met.

Mom takes us upstairs and to make things short she had a long talk to both of us about the whole trip and how our lives are totally gonna change. So then she left and we started to pack everything!

I got out three big suitcases and put all my clothes in one. Then in the second I put all my hair and makeup stuff and some simple home decors. And in the last suitcase I packed all my shoes! Surprisingly it didn't take that long to pack. I put one of the pairs of miss me jeans on and pack the others. I pulled out a black Tyler's tank and a neon pink sports bra and put them on. To top it off I wore my neon pink vans. I went over to Kailey's room and she was done packing also.

She was also wearing miss me jeans and was wearing a neon pink church camp tank with a neon green sports bra and neon green vans. We seem to always match. We looked at each other and started screaming and jumping up and down holding each others hands. Dad asked if everything was ok and we stopped. We called the boys up to help us bring our stuff down.

When they saw that we each had three cases their eyes got wide and they started to laugh. They each grabbed two and Kailey and I grabbed one. We went downstairs. We were about to leave and mom started crying. We didn't of course and she hugged us for like a minuted. We said our goodbyes and left. We got into the bus and Louis drove to the airport.

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن