Part 92

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We met at the parking lot in the DFW airport jut as Paul told us to. We all seemed to he there at the same time. When we got out Tori Rachel and Allee all seemed to be crying.

So we got everything out and started walking toward the airport. But before we got in the boys put jackets on and hats. We decided to also because people know what we look like after last night. We walked into the airport and Paul quickly lead us towards the gate that have our private jet!

We were going good until we stopped to get Niall something to eat and a girl yelled out "OMGOD THAT'S ZAYN MALIK AND AHHHH ONE DIRECTION!" everyone in the airport turned to look at us. "Uh oh!" Zayn whispered. "RUUUUNNN!" Harry screamed and we bursted out into a sprint.

Well it wasn't a sprint considering we had like 30 suitcases so Paul said something into a walkie talkie and in a matter of seconds there was like ten bodyguards. We were good until we realized that Josh was missing! "we volunteer as tribute!" Liam and Tori said at the same time raising there hands. They went off with two bodyguards.

We all tried to act as casual as possible but it didn't help there were like twenty bodyguards. So of course people were attacking us. So we finally got to our gate and ran in. They closed the door and we went into the jet.

A couple minutes later Liam Tori and Josh run in. They tell us how josh got tackled and girls were all over him. Then the bodyguards that came with Liam and Tori got him out of the mess and they ran back to the jet. We all got settled down and the jet started to move.

We took off and was flying in no time. I sighed. "It will be fun love. Just you and me together!" Lou said wrapping his arms around me. We were all quite on the flight until Niall found out there was a candy bar on board and he and Kailey flipped out. Oh yeah btw Kailey likes to eat a LOT! Just like Niall. So while they were stuffing there faces I found out that the plane ride was 18 hours long. And since America is six hours behind GB I decided to go to bed right now so my sleep wouldn't be messed up. So I leaned back my seat and fell asleep.

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