Part 78

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We get out to the pool and Zayn goes straight to the hot tub. Liam joins him so he wouldn't be lonely. Us three girls got on top our men's shoulders. We decided to play chicken. It was war. Louis ran straight towards Niall and I started to push Kailey and she shoved back. We trampled backwards and almost fell. Then Harry attacks Niall and they fell over. So Harry turned toward us and Rachel yelled, "It's on like donkey kong!" Liam look from behind and yelled, "Hey that's my line!" Harry and Rachel turned and we knew it was our chance to attack. We ran towards them and pushed them over dunking both Harry and Rachel. I got off of Louis shoulder and we started laughing. They came up laughing too. Then we decided to get into the hot tub.

It's a pretty big hit tub and so like 15 people could fit comfortably. So we all got in. It was nice and warm. Then for no reason Lou went under neither the water and didn't come up. I went under and looked at him. He smiled and pointed to his lips before coming back up out of the water. I came up and we smiled. I took a big breath and went under. We looked at each other and started kissing each other under water! It was cool and amazing. We could only do it for a few seconds until we came up. Niall and Harry looked at us weird but soon caught on and soon all six of us were making out under the water.

I looked over some time later and Liam and Zayn were kissing! I shot out of the water and they came up laughing. I stared at them speechless and they couldn't stop laughing. They soon explained that they weren't kissing they were just trying to see if any if us were not stuck onto the other boy. We all started laughing and decided to get out and eat. 

Cause it's gotta be Lou...I think?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang