Part 52

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We drive up to this really tall building on Downtown Fort Worth. "We're here!" Zayn yells from the driver seat. We park the car and run quickly into the building. Paul was waiting for us at the door. "Come on boys! Hurry!" he said picking up the pace. We get to the elevator and get in. There was a little girl with her dad in the elevator and she stared screaming. To quiet her down, Niall let her hug him and they all gave her autographs on her dads scratch paper. We got to our floor and said goodbye. We walked into another door and set up was cameras everywhere! "I guess we're in the right place!" Allee says looking around. The first thing that happens is the boy's makeup artist and hair stylist take them away. Then a lady came up and asked if we were the models helping out today. I took that as a complement but told her that we were their boyfriends. "Even better!" she said and whisked us away to hair and makeup. We're going to get makeovers and be in the One Direction photo shoot! I was screaming inside myself! I got put with a guy named Luke. He washed my hair and blow dried it out. He put fake hair on me because I don't have that long of hair. Then he curled it but left my side bangs straight. He put a white headband it at the end. Then it was onto makeup. He turned me away from the mirror and started on the foundation. Then he did my eyes and added some finishing touches. He wouldn't let me look yet so we went to pick out a different outfit that would match all of the boys. I got a shirt that leans off of one shoulder. It was blue and white striped. Then I got a pair of red short shorts. Finally Luke pulled out a pair of black suspenders/braces. I started to laugh. "What? It will go with everyone else's outfit, especially Louis's! You are his girlfriend so it will look cute!" he said smiling. I sighed and put the clothes on. There was no mirror in the dressing room so I tried my best. I didn't wear the braces on my shoulders, but hooked them on and let them hang freely. I thought looking down it looked kinda cute. I came out and Luke screamed. "You look gorgeous sweetie!" He lead me to a mirror and I opened my eyes.

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