50. Each Other's Last

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First night sleeping together in a hotel suite, I was more restless than I expected. Jimin was sleeping soundly right beside me, only in his bathrobe, and hugging my waist from behind. How could he possibly just go to sleep so easily when I couldn't?

Lying on my side, I recalled the conversation between me and Jimin earlier when we had a drinking night together. Alcohol and fried chicken were brought to us as we sat down in the living room and chatted about all the things on Earth, no matter how random they were.

"How did you and Yoo Seolah become a couple?"

"Hm... don't mention it. I don't even remember how." Jimin chuckled.

Maybe it wasn't important for Jimin, maybe Seolah had never been that important in his life. Meanwhile, Jimin insisted that we should talk about 'us,' about the two people of us in this new romantic relationship.

"When did you start to have feelings for me?"

"Are you sure you want to hear the reason?"

"Is it too cheesy? Too cliché?"

His answer not only surprised me but also moved me into tears. Since we were both under the effect of alcohol, it seemed to be easier to talk your heart out of something.

"I wasn't sure since love was a new feeling for me." Jimin said. "It was definitely a weird sensation that only came to me when you were by my side or in my mind. When I thought about you, I couldn't remember anything else."

"Is that why you told me that I was in your property? Like, your mind?" I giggled and started teasing him. "That was the worst confession ever, I swear. I thought you were better than that."

"Hey! It was my first time!"

Jimin then reminded me of my own confession when we were watching the first snow together. I said that I liked it here in 2016, that Jimin was with me, that 2016 had Jimin in it, and that I liked being with him. I didn't consider it a confession, and also didn't remember much of that night since I wasn't too sober, but it was surprising to know that Jimin remembered every single word of it.

It was funny how we both had feelings for each other for quite a good amount of time, but we never directly spoke up about it. We just pushed each other away, but then pulled back; it was a complete cycle of uncertainty and fear of love.

On the one hand, Jimin had never been in love before. On the other hand, I had terrible trust issues just because of Kang Soo Cheol.

"About the picture of us that you took when we were camping together for the first time... Was that the first time you were sure about your feeling for me? Was that why you kept it in your wallet?"

"... Yeah." Jimin looked blankly at the wall as his face reddened, not sure if it was because of the alcohol or he was embarrassed. "When you said I was a nice person, for a moment, I lost myself."

Jimin poured out more liquor to both of our glasses. "I realized that you were the only woman I wanted to be with you for the rest of my days."

"Jimin..." I became more and more emotional.

"Everyone sees me in the same way, that I was this bastard who didn't know any manners or ethics. That's why you caught me off guard when you told me how nice I was."

"So... I'm a special woman."

"I should keep the woman who believes in me by my side, shouldn't I?" He beamed.

Jimin, the boss of every boss, seemed to only show his nervous side to the people whom he really loved and trusted.

He made me ride a roller coaster, but at the end of the ride, he was waiting for me and welcoming me into his arms where he calmed both of us down.

His Little Trespasser [P.JM]✔Where stories live. Discover now