43. Gwangju Mission

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It was already a brand new week and we were in Gwangju for 'special' businesses. It seemed like only I had to stay at Hoseok's mansion, which was as luxurious as everyone else's mansion, and the others were somewhere in the city, doing shit that I would never know. Well, except for Hoseok who was with me, doing God's work of 'protecting' my useless ass. 

It was my first time out with Hoseok, but weirdly, we didn't have any awkward moments as we were both talkative and being overly positive. 

"If you weren't born into a mafia family, what would you do?" I asked as we were in a restaurant eating lunch.

"Hmm, I used to dance with Jimin. So maybe I will become a dancer?"

"Oh, you danced as well? Speaking of which, when I was in Chicago, Jimin's mother showed me a few pictures of Jimin dancing." I said, my eyes immediately went glittering.

Hoseok was surprised. "She showed you the photo album? Wow, she must have really loved you then."

"Jimin's mother was really sweet." I smiled.

"By the way, I've been wondering that you said like science, so why didn't you become a doctor or something similar?"

I shook my head amusingly. "I thought about it too, so I studied really hard to get into a medical school in Seoul. But medical schools are nightmares, and I don't want to torture myself. I prefer plants and farming, so I chose Plant Science instead!"

"You were exactly like you in 2016." Hoseok commented.

"What do you mean?"

"When you first arrived in 2020, right the first few days, we all went to Sokcho to confirm Namjoon's theory of time-traveling. I lost in a rock-paper-scissor game so I had to make a move and talk to your 2016 self." Hoseok started spilling his tea.

"What? So that means... we actually met before? Did I meet you before? Oh my, how couldn't I remember?" I gasped in shock.

Hoseok shrugged. "We met just for a brief moment. You were refusing to talk to me and threatening to call the police if I keep walking after you. So we actually didn't say anything."

"Oh, I did that a lot to strangers." I smiled shyly. "Sometimes I can be very intimidating."

"But when I complimented on your look..." Hoseok massaged his chin. "You gave me those lines that I could never forget."

"Wh- what did I say?" I narrowed my eyes.

Hoseok giggled. "You flashed me a fake smile and said, 'I was born pretty, you inferior bitch.' Yeah, you said that."

My smile immediately faded as I looked at Hoseok with an apologizing pair of eyes. "Did I really say that?"


We went out for a whole day but Hoseok insisted that we came back to his mansion for dinner instead of eating out. I shrugged it off, agreeing to Hoseok because he was the tour guide anyway.

Looking from afar, I noticed how the mansion's light all went off. Looking suspicious, I mentioned it to Hoseok. I was hoping he would laugh it off, but Hoseok was also looking stunned. Usually, he would never allow the mansion to be shut off completely from electricity like this.

"This is bad..." Hoseok mumbled, stopping the car in front of the already opened gate. No guards were seen anywhere near the gate. As we got closer inside the mansion, my heart was beating faster.

Don't tell me it's another crazy gang fight.

Hoseok turned to the back seat and picked up two shotguns, giving one to me. "Just follow right behind me, okay?"

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