He wants to tell you, but he's scared - Virgil & Picani

Start from the beginning

Virgil sighed and pulled out his phone, leaning on his fathers shoulder as he listened to music through his earphones and scrolled through Tumblr.

It was a ten minute wait before Thomas moved to stand beside him, Virgil looked up and saw a man in the doorway, he wore a brown cardigan, a white shirt underneath and a pink tie. He guessed this was the therapist- and the guy who designed the whole place.

"Thomas! Right?" He asked, head tilted to the side.

"Yeah! That's me- this is my son, Virgil" Thomas gestured to the teenager beside him, the therapist smiled and waved, a pen caught between his fingers. "Do you how do, Virgil!" He greeted, and Virgil wished he had kept his earphones in. "Uh yeah, hey" he waved back awkwardly, looking at his dad for help. Thomas caught on and stood up, taking a few paces towards the therapist.

"We won't be long, kiddo" he called, sending him a reassuring smile before leaving the waiting room to travel further into the building. Silence plunged the room, all he could hear was the music pouring out his earphones and the tapping from the keyboard the woman behind the desk worked on.

He slumped down into his chair, prayed no one else would come in and returned to his phone.

An hour had passed by the time Virgil had enough of the damned waiting room. He sat up where he had laid down across the chairs and stretched his body, letting out a content sigh when he heard a satisfying click. Rising from his chair, he slid his phone and earphones into his pocket and slinked across the room, peering through a doorway into an empty office space.

"You can explore if you want" the woman's voice made him jump and twirl around, she was smiling at him over the monitor. "Go ahead, your dad might be awhile"

"Oh-thanks" Virgil replied awkwardly, shuffled across the room and quickly down a hallway to avoid conversing with the lady again. Not anything against her, Virgil just hated taking to anyone he didn't know.

The building wasn't too big, a simple four stories with many empty rooms. Some had a few other therapists talking to clients, thankfully the walls were soundproof otherwise he didn't think he could stop himself from wondering what they were talking about.

He returned to the third floor after finishing the fourth, entering one of the many empty rooms that looked the most appealing. It had a table in the centre with three desk chairs around it. To appease his boredom, he sat down in one and spun around, pushing against the room to glide over the carpet, careful not to bump into the walls lest he disturb a session.

By the time he was slumped on the table only half an hour had passed and Virgil wondered why he agreed to come here when he wouldn't be involved in most of the trip. Not that he'd want to be, he wanted his dad to be okay, but for his own sake of mind didn't want to know his troubles too in-depth.

He felt for his dad, personally he knew being sad all the time sucked, but at least the anti-depressants brought him some peace, and serotonin. Virgil often wondered if he'd never reach the same point, not that he'd be ashamed, but he trusted he wouldn't. After all he could be happy, all he had to do was talk to his friends, play a game or just find a funny post and he was...happy.

All he needed was a distraction. A distraction from the stress that was school, the unknown fear of the future, the fact he might lose his dad way too soon... like he lost his mom. Or never really had her in the first place. She was always quite neglectful, and left all the work to Thomas. Why? He didn't know. He was sure it was because she agreed to having a child without knowing what being a mom would come with, the responsibility, the tiresome work. She agreed to start a family way too soon, had to drop out of university because of it, never really knowing where her life would go.

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