Reason to live - Virgil x Remus

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Hope you're excited for the competition! :D

Trigger warning: transphobia, Remus being Remus, sex scene including: oral & fingering & female genitalia, bad parents, bad home life, slight mentions of past suicidal indications

Transgender Reminder, in this story;
- Nyx is Virgil's dead name as he is FTM
- Patton is born female and cis, I name Patton's female 'version' Leto, so in this story Patton is Leto


Virgil wouldn't say his life is good, or even okay, but he wouldn't give it up for the world, simply because he had... met his world. A few years ago. And his name was Remus.

Virgil had known of Remus for quite some time before they officially met due to Remus being a popular student, not only is he twins of the most popular student in the whole school, Roman Kingsley, but he is someone to be remembered no matter what, a student no teacher would ever forget. He is wild, unrelenting, somewhat crazed and doesn't give a single shit. His interests only lie in biology and his future dream job is to work in a lab somewhere like an insane scientist creating new species out of spliced genes.

The first time Remus' biology teacher heard him say those words they knew he'd be their favourite student.

So, yes Virgil did know of him, he knew he was borderline insane but...had more to him than first met the eye. And the first time they ever spoke Virgil could feel himself slipping and falling into a crush he assumed would never be returned simply because Remus didn't seem like the type to indulge in such feelings as romance, and love. But one day when Roman came up to him, asking him if he wanted to go on a date with Remus - who was too shy to ask - his heart exploded and he awkwardly yet instantly agreed.

And they have been dating ever since. Remus treats him like a king, worships his body Virgil once hated but now sees the good in, and brings him pleasure he's never felt before without expecting too much back knowing he was inexperienced and extremely anxious when it came to intimate moments.

Remus was also the first, and only, person to know of his true gender. Coming out to Remus felt incredible, and his reaction was everything he could've wanted. He embraced and accepted him with open arms, changing the pronouns he used for him that moment, and never calling him something that may feel him uncomfortable - like 'baby girl' or 'Princess'. He adored his name, Virgil, and strived to call him it as many times that day. It was...amazing, and truly the reassurance Virgil needed to confirm in fact; he was a boy, a boy named Virgil.

They were in love, completely and utterly. Only one problem...Virgil's parents hates him, and doesn't even know their child and Remus know each other. Virgil's parents know Remus because they know his parents. He and Roman have two mothers, the shared owners of a company that's brought them a surplus of wealth and a great increase in fame, the world loves them due to their generosity and what their company brings to the world. Virgil's parents hate them because they're lesbians and they're...better than them. Virgil couldn't stand his parents view points on the LGBT+ community which is why he'll never be able to come out to them as a gay, trans man without backlash and being kicked onto the streets.

It was heart breaking, gut wrenching, every terrible emotion piled into one whenever he simply thought about the people who were supposed to love him unconditionally. The worst part is he can't even ask the school to call him by his name, Virgil, rather than his dead name because if there's even a chance his parents discover his secret he's done for.

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