The corner 2 - Roman & Remus

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Why does every bug and it's mother think my room is a nesting ground as soon as I open the window

"You okay, Kiddo?" Patton asked Virgil as soon as he appeared in the common room. Logan and Roman were there too, waiting for him to come back as they quickly realised he would admit something that took a lot of courage from him.

He let out a long sigh, hands stuffed deep into his pockets, eyes gazing at the ground where he desperately held back tears. "I guess.." he whispered but the sides knew that was a lie - they also knew the only way he would open up is if it were just him and Patton alone, so Logan and Roman allowed them to disappear and talk.

"Are you okay, Roman?" Logan turned the question to the Prince who stared at him in surprise for a moment. He hadn't expected it but was grateful for it. "I will be - I...need some time" and Logan nodded in understanding.

"Thanks for being cool, Lo" he whispered as he passed by the side who smiled at him sincerely. Turning around, Logan went to the kitchen while Roman headed straight for his room, he wouldn't try and listen to Patton and Virgil's conversation, they were all friends now and he'd tell them all when he was ready.

Entering his room he closed his door and began to hum a tune, taking a seat at his desk and opening up his note book. He flicked through a few pages, thinking the ideas over to himself and crossing out the ones that didn't seem to work anymore. It was a good pass time if he wanted to sit and relax and actually get some work done - today was tough, with the reveal of him Roman desperately wanted his mind to be elsewhere.

But then he remembered what Logan said.

Truly repression is a terrible thing but what could Roman do instead?

Dropping his notebook onto his desk he let out a sigh, covering his face with his hands to allow himself to think.

"I'm...I'm The Duke"

His head slowly lifted as the horse and croaky voice filled his mind. It was soft, quiet and fearful but he remembered it as clear as day even if it happened years ago.

Turning around in his chair, his eyes homed in on the dark corner that never left, that stayed there even after he led Remus out of it. Stayed there all throughout the years Remus and Roman shared a bedroom; stayed there even after Roman and Remus argued and fought; stayed there even after Remus left to the dark side of the mind...

He knew what he had to do.

Rising from his chair he tucked it under his desk. For a moment he debated grabbing his sword but then thought against it - in the mind nothing could leave permanent damage as Logan portrayed in today's video.

Walking across the room with a steady pase his movements halted before the shadow, sudden childhood fear surging through him, reminding him of the Prince he once was...reminding him of the person he hadn't changed much from. He's become nicer, he's evolved, and accepted a big part of himself Thomas tried to bury but his fears? Insecurities? They're all still here.

They're all here but repressed.

Roman would have to work on that.

Stepping into the corner he walked down the dark hallway, somehow able to image himself as a child walking down the same one, clutching his sword and teddy, looking over his shoulder every few seconds, wondering if something would come out, grab at him, attack him, no matter he pushed on to get to who was hurt, to who was crying. And even after everything Roman doesn't regret it.

The light came into his line of sight and he crossed into the room. It was mostly filled with balls of paper, some old, some new, all forgotten

Not literally, as Logan would put it, figuratively. Figuratively blue as they wondered why they weren't good enough.

Roman's hands clenched, his eyes closed and his breathing wavered. There was a reason he threw all of these ideas away, pushed them aside, didn't allow Thomas to bother with them, and what came from that? A crying terrified boy who didn't know where he belonged.

If Roman could go back he would change it - but no one could change the past. So instead he decided to change the future.

Clicking his fingers a pile of black bags appeared at his feet. Scooping one up he opened it wide and began grabbing each and every idea, throwing them in, paper ball after paper ball, somehow able to fill each bag that he had conjured up. Then, and only then, when the room was empty did Roman leave, did Roman walk through the dark hallway with the bags trailing behind him.

In his room he did something he never thought he would - along side the wall covered with ideas Thomas has either used or will use he began to pin up those ideas. The ideas he threw away and repressed. Just because they were up there doesn't mean they'd be used or completed by Thomas but now they weren't hidden, tucked away, they couldn't fester at Thomas anymore.

It took awhile, many times Roman wanted to rip up the paper in his hands after reading it to never see again but he knew it wouldn't work. He could shred each and every paper but the paper was still there, but now it was everywhere and harder to get rid of. Harder to ignore.

He sat on his bed heavily when the black bags were empty and thrown to the side.

In his hands he held his head, eyes closed with the exhaustion that suddenly washed over him.

The door opened. Roman wasn't much surprised.

He didn't lift his head, instead listened to the soft padding of feet that walked past him in the direction of the wall he was just standing in front of. They stood there for awhile, long enough to read the ideas, to see what Roman had done.

The padding started up again, walking closer to him until they stopped right beside where he sat.

The bed dipped and something was in his lap.

He finally removed his hands.

A teddy bear stared up at him. An unspoken peace offering.

A flitter of a smile wavered at Roman's lips.

A head rested on his shoulder.

An almost silent whisper fluttered around the room.

"Thank you"



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