Snake hotel - Deceit x Roman

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Did I get this idea from a trial on 'I'm A Celebrity'? Yes, yes I did.


Ink black clouds painted across the sky, hiding the twinkling stars from view. Without the glow of the moon the world below was incredibly dark, street lights shut off hours ago. The sounds of buzzing insects and wild animals filled the land for miles, impossible for a moment of quiet peace.

To break the ongoing music of nature, a car hurried down the narrow road sidelined by tall full hedges. Even with the headlights it was cautious, not daring to go over twenty. It had driven for awhile, nearly the entire day, and it still had some to go before it inevitably rests.

Inside the car was a man, none older than twenty three, with thick honey auburn hair and tired hazel eyes. Sometimes his head would nod forward with dangerous hints of exhaustion, but he'd perk right back up and continue his barely-there focus on the road, telling himself over and over he'll be there soon.

His grip on the steering wheel was weak, although it struck fear he knew he wouldn't be able to control the car with complete accuracy if something were to get in his way. He hoped nature would stay out, he really didn't want to kill a cute bunny or sweet fox.

"In one hundred yards, turn left"

Roman jumped up in his seat a little, blinking blearily at the GPS hooked onto his dash. He checked time of arrival, only five minutes left. He could do it, he told himself, sitting that bit straighter in his seat, he could make it.

While his body screamed for rest, and brain halfway there to forcefully shutting him down, Roman's determination wouldn't allow him to stop at the side of the road and rest. He was so close now, so close, and wouldn't feel safe until he were inside a building.

"Turn right"

Roman again flinched, but did as instructed, although very slowly.

"You have reached your destination" and those words were heavenly. Pulling up beside another car he shut his off and leaned back in his plush red seat, closing his eyes for a few seconds of reprise. He was here, he made it, driving since nine am with two breaks until here, three am, wondering how the Hell he did it but not complaining about it, either.

Sitting up, he glanced all around, then flicked on the light above his head. Grabbing his phone he stuffed it into his pocket, then reached into his backseat, pulling out his duffle bag filled with all his belongings.

Ready to get out he paused, eyes fixated on the cubby hole before the passengers seat. His hand slowly trailed over to it, hovering over the tab to pull it open, but then he looked away and withdrew. No, he shook his head, don't.

Stepping out the car, he closed and locked it up securely, looking at the large building in front of him. It was three story including the attic, although he thinks there might be a basement, with an old Victorian house vibe. The lights were off which made him wince, he knew it was late or rather very early but he did tell the owner this was the time he would most likely arrive.

Walking across the gravel, he headed around the side to the front door, stepping into the archway and ringing on the doorbell. As soon as he came near one of the outside lights flicked on, triggered by his movements. This gave him easy view of space around him, looking at the neatly trimmed bushes and beautifully kept flowers. It was incredible here, the picture online truly do it no justice.

Readying to ring the doorbell again (even if it made him feel terrible the first time) a light inside turned on and he grabbed the handle of his duffle tighter, fully expecting the owner to be grumpy, possibly even yell and curse, maybe even not let him inside, but when the door opened he was met with a pleasant surprise.

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