Tough boys - Remus x Logan

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Hey! Remember the group chat on Twitter I mentioned awhile ago? It's been made and you can still join if you want to!!

Please don't be nervous, we're all very kind!

My Twitter is @ Logan6__6  (two underscores)

Make sure to follow me and I'll DM you!!!

Trigger warning: Remus being Remus


"Watch out" students would murmur when even catching a slight glimpse of the student adorned in strict, formal attire. Seemingly the only teenager to take the uniform seriously. His name was Logan Atlas and he was...frightening, rude, 'a bastard' as many people would agree. From the start of his school experience he was a very stand-offish, mean and outright horrible to be around.

It seemed his future was set as soon as he stepped into high school and he buckled down, filling most his time with studying and over working to be on top of every class - it didn't take long for that to happen. His grades were the best of the best and he was an exemplar student - which pissed everyone else off as teachers don't take in account his extremely disgusting personality. He's condescending, snarky and belittles people when correcting them - he wants everyone in the room to know he's the smartest and will do whatever he can to make sure of it, but in the most subtle, suave way he could. Which he managed every time.

No one ever caught him doing anything other than reading - it from his story books, or factual texts, or from his notes he jotted down from class. He spent most his time in the library but often joined in on activities (only certain ones) his school would hold just to be the best and crush the dreams of everyone else. Everyone could recall the time the science fair came around and half the school worked together (literally) to build something bigger and better than whatever Logan could make. To be fair Logan did commend them, he analysed the creation in close examination and when it worked to perfection he sent them a look full of pride - until he destroyed them.

"It is outstanding. However, I could build it myself in half the time" with a single shrug, he turned and parted across the hall to his stand, leaving behind the crowd of students who were all furious. Even more so when Logan won again. Humiliated, the school never tried to one-up him again. The only thing he wasn't great at was music - but the worst part is he'd admit to that, which takes away the fun as he wouldn't try competing, knowing he wasn't good. Besides, he shaded music anyway, brushed it off as a waste of time and left it for the people who truly had nothing else.

He was...terrible. The worst student in the school. A verbal bully with the confidence of an ox. He could take anyone down with a few simple words - the one time he was beaten up? The student was removed from school faster than his first punch to Logan's face. The next week Logan returned and was avoided by everyone which made his heart swell in pride. For himself, of course.

No one liked him, that was obvious - he lacked compassion, empathy and general humanity. He cared for no one but himself, and certainly didn't like his family. Not that he had any reason to like them. Neglect was rife in his childhood - learning was his 'comfort blanket' and brought him into a content state of mind. The general hate for the human population seemingly stirred within him when he received hate from the people he should've been loved by - all that emotional baggage made him into a jerk, plus the fact he enjoyed it very much.

He's never had any friends and doesn't plan to; he wants to leave school with the best grades and attend the most prestigious university he could find - he already had a few in mind which he was confident they'd accept. He knew they didn't care about the student's personality, their intelligence and wealth mattered most.

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