Unintentional neglect - Logan x Virgil x Remus

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I could not for the longest time think of a story line for these guys

Remus had noticed something. Noticed something that made him extremely uncomfortable and scared. It was over a year since both Logan and Virgil agreed to being his boyfriend and sharing him between them, never involving in romantic interest with each other - and since everything has gone wonderfully. Remus shared an equal amount of love and attention to both and if one was busy he could zoom off and find his other - but recently? Things have become fishy.

First and foremost; Logan doesn't ask for his cuddles anymore. Not that Remus mind's giving Logan space, but contrary to what one might assume Logan did enjoy their cuddles, quite a lot! And seeing as Remus needed reassurance from time to time, whenever asking about cuddles or physical affection in general Logan always promised he was completely fine with it, and enjoyed it extremely - Remus hoped he wasn't lying.

He didn't ask for cuddles in a traditional way either, he'd usually sit quietly beside Remus and twiddle his thumbs in such an adorable way the trash-can aspect couldn't get enough. He was an awkward logical bean but his awkward logical bean. So why now was he becoming so distant?

It lingered on Remus' mind for awhile but unfortunately he wasn't great at emotions, or communication. He usually left that to Virgil and Logan who always voiced concerns if they were to arise, which fortunately wasn't often. He wanted to believe their relationship was okay but at this point he couldn't tell.

Furthermore, Logan rarely texts him anymore. Living in the same mind scape texting wasn't necessary most the time but if they were to sleep separately he always sent 'good morning' or 'goodnight' texts and Remus couldn't put his finger on why he stopped, or became so infrequent.

And, the worst of all, he's stopped talking to him. Not completely but their conversations are dry, he never starts them and often leaves Remus hanging. There's so, so much more Remus could point out but it hurts to think about - he's desperately trying everything he could but half his world was crashing before him and he couldn't pick up the pieces.

And his other half? Was exactly the same. Virgil wasn't much for outlandish romantic dates, or grand shows of affection, Remus happily keeps it on the down low and focuses their dates on soft, sweet activities like watching a movie or watching a village burn atop a hill in the Imagination. He did everything he could to make Virgil comfortable but it obviously wasn't enough for the side had stopped coming to his dates, stopped wondering when the next would be and stopped interacting with him in general.

It was horrible and quite frankly destroying Remus from the inside out. He remembered all those times spent in Virgil's room, unaffected by the consequence of heightened anxiety, watching him sew while he spurred out random, grotesque imagery to keep them both entertained. He remembered making hot chocolate for them both to settle down with and watch movies. He remembers cuddling him at night, especially if he had a nightmare or anxiety was typically bad the entire day.

Remus remembers it all, and wants to make new memories, but neither of his boyfriends did. They were both extremely distant, becoming more and more so, like Remus was a chunk of land between two separating islands, drifting off further and further away, never to meet again.

He didn't want that to happen, he loved his boyfriends with everything he had, his entire heart, body, soul. Which is why he couldn't understand what he was doing wrong - until the insecurities kicked in. He was Intrusive Thoughts. The Dark Side of Creativity. Of course no one would love him! And if they somehow did it wouldn't last when they realised what he truly was like.

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