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We finished making dinner by 4 and had the boys set the table for us. Tara and Devyn came to help them since they had no idea what they were doing and had no artistic vision.

Once everything was set up we took our spots. Mia sat at the head of the table in between Colby and I. On Colby's side of the table it went, his mom, his dad, Sam, Jake, Devyn. Then on my side it went, my dad, Michelle, Kat, Tara, and Corey sat at the other head of the table.

"Who wants to start with what they are thankful for?" Mr. Brock said as we all started handing out food. "I'll start." My dad said and smiled,

"I'm so thankful that we were all able to be here together today, happy and healthy." He said and everyone agreed as he squeezed my hand. I felt my head start to throb as tears formed in my eyes.

We went down the line saying what we were thankful for. Everyone mostly said the same stuff, except for Jake who went off on a tangent about how he was grateful that shrek existed.

It was finally my turn to share, "I'm thankful that I was given such an amazing group of people. As you all know life hasn't been the easiest...but all of you have stuck with me through thick and thin and I'm so grateful for that. I'm also thankful for my sweet daughter and I'm grateful that I get to marry the love of my life in just 3 short months." I said and smiled at Colby as tears formed in my eyes.

Everyone cheered causing Mia to cry, since it was a sudden burst of noise that she wasn't expecting. "It's okay sweetheart." Colby said and grabbed her hand massaging it with his thumb.

"Let's eat!" Sam yelled and everyone started passing stuff around.

Colby and I got our plates ready but neither of us ate as we tried to feed Mia the baby food we bought for her, "come on little one, you liked avocado! It's like that, but...meatier.." I said with a laugh as Colby brought the spoon to her mouth, she looked at him and frowned as he smiled widely at her,

"it's good princess, just give it a chance." He said as she moved it around her mouth. She moved her head from Colby to me as she swallowed it causing Colby and I to cheer. Everyone stopped their conversation to stare at us causing Mia to giggle loudly, "sorry, carry on." I said to the table as Colby gave Mia another spoonful of food.

Between each of Mia's bites Colby and I would eat a bite of our food. I also took this moment in and looked at all of my family and friends enjoying the Thanksgiving meal that we didn't get to have yesterday.

Once we all finished dinner I brought out the two pumpkin pies I made and we enjoyed those, too.

Halfway through dessert my head started hurting a lot, probably from the constant stimulation. I got up and went over to the sink without a word and started doing the dishes so I could just relax and not talk to anyone. "Are you okay?" Tara asked as she came in and help me, "yeah, my heads hurting a little bit." I admitted and looked down at my shaking hands. Maybe I should take it easy...take a nap or something. "Shit, are you okay? Should I get Colby?" She asked and I just laughed, "it's just a headache Tara, I'll be fine." I said and chuckled, "I know but Cor-" she started but I shook my head, "I'm fine." I said and focused on the plate I was washing.

"Just take it easy...it's alright if you need to take a nap. It's not going to ruin anything." Tara said and I just nodded, "let me just finish these dishes then I'll probably take a nap." I said and she nodded, hopping in to help with the dishes.

As soon as I was done I went back into the main dining area where everyone was and grabbed Mia, "you okay?" Colby asked and I nodded, "I think I'm gonna take Mia up for a nap." I said and stumbled slightly as I left the room, "let me come with you." He insisted, not saying anything about my stumble. "Okay." I whispered, suddenly feeling very tired.

When we got up to the nursery I let out a sigh and laid Mia down in the crib. "Cora.." Colby said and looked at me as I let out a sigh, "what?" I asked and combed my hand through my hair, "are you okay? Your mood changed drastically" he asked and held my head in his hands, "I'm fine, just tired. I think I'm going to join little one in a nap." I said and walked to the bedroom as Colby followed closely behind.

"Colby..I'm fine!" I said and he bit his lip, "Tara said you had a headache..do you?" He asked and I frowned, "yeah, just a little one, headaches happen though. I'm fine." I said and smiled at him before turning and going to the closet.

I was getting really lethargic, but that could have been from the meal we just ate. I was fine though. Just feeling the effects of the day. Nothing major. It was still a good day.

I walked out of the closet wearing Colby's sweatshirt and elastic shorts, "are you going to nap with me?" I asked and he shook his head, "no, but I'll lay with you until you fall asleep if you want." He said and nodded as a small smile creeped onto my lips.

We both slid into bed and I let him wrap his arms around me, he massaged my head with his hand as he hummed to me. "Colby?" I asked just before I drifted off, "yes love?" He asked as he pressed his lips to my head, "I love you." I whispered causing him to tighten his grip on me a little more, "I love you too." He said as I drifted off to sleep.


I opened my eyes and looked around the unfamiliar setting. Where the hell was I? How did I get here?

I got out of the large bed I was in and shuffled to the bathroom.

I looked out the window and saw palm trees which caused my eyebrows to lace together, where the fuck was I? Was I on vacation or something?

I looked in the mirror and let my eyes move down my body. I was wearing an oversized sweatshirt that had the words Sinners Balenciaga written on it. How did I afford that? I shook my head and looked around feeling overwhelmed by the idea of not knowing where I was.

I started crying and let myself slide down the wall, where was my dad? He would be able to tell me what was going on.

As I was starting to get up a beautiful man with blue eyes and brown swooping hair with little bits of blue in it walked into the bathroom, "baby girl, are you okay?" He asked and came over, pulling me into his arms.

He smelled nice.


Baby girl?

He looked down at me as I stared at him with confusion, "Cora?" He asked and searched my face as I just started up at him, "say something baby you're scaring me." He said as I sucked in a breath.

"W-who are you?"

End of book two.

A/N: hehe honestly I just keep adding plot twists into this book because I'm selfish and never want to stop writing it. So I hope you are enjoying the ride. Look out for the third book coming soon! It will be called Selfless 🖤 love you 😉

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