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I laid awake, just staring at the ceiling until Mia woke up around 6am. I walked over to the crib and lifted her up as she fussed,

"good morning angel. Do you want to help mommy make breakfast for everyone??" I asked and bobbed her up and down, then went to go get her diaper changed. She stopped crying once she was changed and fed, which meant we were in the clear to go downstairs without waking everyone up.

When I got to the kitchen I put Mia in her swinging chair again and started cracking eggs. I wanted to treat everyone to a nice breakfast since I couldn't sleep. It was already 7am so people would hopefully start waking up soon. I started humming and dancing around the kitchen as I cooked making Mia giggle at me. "You think that's funny sweet girl?" I asked and ran up to boop her on the nose. She smiled at me which sent warmth through my chest. She was really the sweetest little thing and I was so grateful to have her.

The first person to come out of their room was Devyn, "hey dev, have some breakfast." I said and served her some eggs and bacon. "What's the special occasion?" She asked and grabbed her coffee cup, "I guess it can be a 'we are haunted and get to kill Sam' occasion." I said causing her to laugh, "that felt like a dream..or I guess I nightmare." She said and sat down at the table, "it really did, I can't believe we have a ghost. My poor daughter is going to be traumatized." I said with a laughed and looked over at Mia who was just watching me happily, "I'm sure she's fine." Devyn said with a laugh and ate her eggs.

It was around 10 when everyone was up and in the kitchen, "Cora have you eaten?" Kat asked as I scrubbed the dishes, "oh...no I guess I didn't. I'm not very hungry I guess." I said and shrugged, I was so consumed in making the food that I didn't even think of eating it. "You should eat something, sit down I'll do the dishes." Tara said and pulled me from the sink as Devyn slid a plate of food over to the empty chair. "Thanks." I mumbled, then started to eat.

The guys stayed for a couple more hours but then went home around noon. We decided to take Mia for her first swim in the pool, since she was almost 4 months old now and the doctors said it would be safe as long as I held her. "You ready for swim sweet girl?" I asked and started making my way down the stairs of the pool. The water was warm as I held Mia to me, "smile!" Kat said and took a picture of us. "Maybe I should wait until Colby's here..he might want to be a part of this." I said quietly and froze halfway down the stairs. "I think they said they were on their way." Kat said and jumped into the water.

Almost like clockwork the guys all filed into the back yard, "are you taking Mia for a swim!?" Colby asked with a smile on his face, "yeah as soon as you get a bathing suit on! Come on!" I yelled and smiled at him. He nodded and ran back inside as Sam came up to us, "sorry I summoned a demon into our house.." he said and I fake glared at him, "sleep with one eye open, Golbach." I said and gestured from my eyes to his with two fingers.

Colby came down and met me on the stairs of the pool, "hi princess, did you miss daddy?" He asked and kissed Mia's head, then looked at me, "hey." He said and kissed me, "hey, how was the hotel?" I asked as we slowly took Mia into the water, "less haunted than here apparently." He said with a chuckle, "sorry you got woken up, did you sleep well the rest of the night at least?" He asked as we got into the water fully, Mia just looked at me with caution. "It's okay sweetheart, see it's fun!" I said ignoring Colby's question so he wouldn't worry about me not sleeping, "splash splash splash!" I said and splashed the water around Mia. She giggled as I held her in the water, "I think she likes it." I said and smiled up at Colby as he smiled down at Mia.

We stayed in the pool with her for about an hour before she started to get fussy. "It's probably time for a nap." I said and started to get out, grabbing a towel to dry Mia with. "I'm gonna take her up so she can nap." I said quietly, "are you going to take a nap too?" Colby asked and I shook my head, "no, why would I nap?" I asked and looked down at Mia who was already basically asleep, "because you didn't go back to sleep last night." He said and raised his brows with a knowing look on his face, "I don't know what you're talking about." I said quietly and turned to walk inside, "don't do this Cor. Go get some rest." He sighed out and I just walked away.

When I got up to the nursery Mia was basically already asleep, but I had to give her a bath to wash off any germs from the pool, "I know you're sleepy little one, but just give me five minutes." I mumbled as the water filled the tub.

I gave her a quick bath and changed her clothes before putting her in her crib, which I moved back into the nursery. I decided Colby was probably right, and I should try and take a nap, but I couldn't.

My stupid brain was just letting me sit there again, my eyes trained on the ceiling.

I didn't know long I laid there until Colby came in, "Cora.." he whispered when I turned my head to look at him, "I can't sleep." I whispered and he frowned, "let me help." he said quietly then slid into bed next to me. When he pulled me into him he started playing with my hair, sending instant comfort to me.

I wasn't afraid to sleep, I wasn't afraid at all, my mind just refused to rest. "Is there something you needed to talk about?" He asked softly as he laced his fingers through my hair, "no. Just tell me stories about your trips." I said and rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. "Okay." He said and then started telling me all about the trips he has been on, starting with the New Orleans trip he just went on. I listened intently as his voice fluctuated with excitement with each story he told.

My mind eventually settled down enough to where I was able to drift off to sleep.

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