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I woke up to Colby screaming.

I bolted up to see that he was still laying next to me, only he was sweating and his eyes were still shut, horrible screams leaving his lips.

"Oh my god! Colby wake up! Please baby oh my god..WAKE UP!" I screamed and shook him but he couldn't hear me, "Colby please!!" I screamed and smacked his face, trying to shock him awake. I looked around frantically when that didn't work, seeing a glass of water on his nightstand. I reached over and grabbed it, then splashed the water on his face, bringing him back. "Thank god." I whispered as I closed my eyes, "you're okay." I said and pulled him into me as he tried to catch his breath. He looked at me as he trembled, "you're okay, it was just a dream." I whispered and put my hand on his face, he closed his eyes and breathed out, pulling me into him, "you're okay." I repeated and played with his hair as we just held eachother.

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked once he was calmed down, "no.." he said and I just nodded, "okay, I'm here. I'm here if you want to." I said and lifted my hand to wipe the hair from his sweaty forehead. We laid in silence as he tried to calm down, "I'm sorry." He whispered and I just shook my head, "don't apologize, we are in this together. You and me baby." I said repeating his words from before.

"Will you tell me what it was about?" I asked after a few more minutes of silence, "it was just my worst nightmare. S-something happened to Mia, and you were caught in the line of fire and I lost you. I don't know what else happened, but I felt like my world collapsed at the thought of losing both of you. It seemed so real Cora, I have never had a dream like that." He said and rubbed his face with his hands, "it's okay, we are here. We are okay." I said and pulled his hands from his face so he could look at me, I gave him a soft smile and nodded at him, "I'm right here." I whispered.

We finally got out of bed once Colby fully calmed down, I had never seen him that shaken up before so something else must have happened in the dream, but I didn't want to pry.

"I'll go get Mia, I'll meet you downstairs." I said and kissed his cheek. He seemed weary to leave me alone but I assured him I would be right down.

When I went into the nursery I noticed some of the drawers to her dresser were open, "Mia sweetheart are you okay?" I asked and peered over the crib, she looked up at me with her big blue eyes and smiled giving me some relief, "hi love, let's go downstairs." I said wearily, feeling a weird energy, I wasn't sure if it was because of Colby's nightmare or if it was just all in my head.

As we went down the stairs I heard Colby yelling, "what the FUCK are you doing Sam?!" He sounded disappointed. "We have to try and communicate with it." Sam said innocently, "not in the house where my daughter is, Sam! She can't protect herself like we can." He said as I walked in with Mia. Sam and Jake were playing the oujia board on the ground causing me to gasp, "I'm sorry man, I didn't realize it would effect you so much." Sam said, looking guilty,

Colby sighed, "It's okay man, I shouldn't have been so harsh...I just..I had a nightmare and I'm still a little freaked out about it." He admitted then looked over at Mia and I, "can you take her outside until the ouija board is put away?" Colby asked with begging eyes.

I nodded and started to walk outside. Mia started crying as soon as we were outside, looking up to where our balcony was, "shh...it's okay sweetie..." I said and felt a chill run down my spine. "Shhhh we are okay." I said not really believing it.

Kat eventually came out, "hey is she okay?" She asked and I shook my head, "I'm freaking out Kat.." I said and bounced Mia, trying to comfort her, "what's going on?" She asked and sat down next to us, "I think the ghost is targeting us...I don't know I sound ridiculous but Kat..Colby had this insane nightmare like I was afraid I wouldn't be able to wake him..and now he's on edge and I'm on edge and Mia is just screaming and looking up at the balcony and Jesus haven't we been through enough?!" I shrieked feeling the frustration and fear boil over,

"it's okay! Sam called a priest, he's gonna be here on Monday. We just have to get through today and tomorrow." She said and I frowned as Mia still screamed, "please little girl...please stop crying." I mumbled and kissed her head.

"Can't babies see ghosts or something?" Kat asked and rubbed Mia's back as I tried to calm her, "are you trying to freak me out?" I asked and bit my cheek feeling the fear bubble inside of me, "no! I just read about it somewhere." Kat said as Colby came out to where we were, "is she okay?" He asked and took Mia from me, "Kat thinks she can see the ghost." I said and rubbed my face with my hands, "it's not impossible." Colby sighed out making my hands shake, "I swear if it tries to hurt her I don't know what I'll do Colby.." my voice sounded thicker than I was intending, "hey, we won't let anything happen to her." He said and wrapped one arm around my shoulder, then pulled me into his chest,

"We have to make it go away." I whispered into his shirt, "we are working on it...let's just take it one day at a time." He said and finally soothed Mia. "Literally why can't we just have a minute. Just one minute." I said and wiped my tears, "I know baby girl, I know how frustrating it is, but our time is coming." He said and just held us both.

Sam came out and frowned at us, "I'm so sorry." He said and pulled me from Colby so he could hug me, "it's okay Sam, but maybe give us a heads up when you want to do this stuff so we can get Mia out." I said and looked over Mia who was looking at me with glassy eyes.

"We are okay sweetheart. We are okay." I mumbled and kissed her head.

At this point I didn't know if that was true. We would have to take it one day at a time.

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