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"Hey squirt." My dad said with open arms as I ran to him. I hugged him as he rocked me side to side, "Don't forget about us!" I heard someone say to my left, "oh my god!" I yelled again and hugged Colby's parents. "Why are? When did? How?? Colbyyyy" I whined and turned to him. He had a giant grin plastered onto his face as our friends all cheered happily, "surprise." He said and held his arms out. I walked up and kissed him on the cheek as his arms snaked around me. "Thank you." I whispered and turned to my dad and Colby's parents. "You look beautiful honey, you're glowing." Mrs. Brock said as she looked at me, her eyes were filling with tears as a soft smile formed on her lips. "Aww mom don't cry!" Colby said and let go of me to go hug his mom. I followed him as the baby kicked me, "Oooof" I said stopping in my tracks and doubling over,

"are you okay?" Dad asked and helped me stand up straight, "yeah sometimes she just kicks me so hard I think she's hates me." I said with a laugh and hugged him again, "I'm so glad you're here." I said quietly. "When Colby called and told me to come I couldn't say no, I'm so glad to see you're doing better than the last time I saw you." He said and booped my nose with his finger. "I'm feeling much better, I still get massive headaches from time to time but I would rather have those than something worse." I said and sighed as I admired Colby. He was laughing with his parents, a look of pure joy consumed his features.

"Let's open gifts!" Kat said and clapped happily and pulled my arm to sit down in the chair that was by the gifts. I giggled at her excitement as Colby sat next to me.

We opened a lot of baby clothes and A LOT of diapers, Jake and Tara got her a giant teddy bear, Devyn made her a blanket, Corey got her a bouncy seat, and Sam got her a baby blanket with a stuffed animal attached to it. I already knew she was going to love it. I smiled at Kat, "well, your turn." I said and gestured to her. She pulled out a guitar from behind the table and handed it to Sam.

"So I wrote her a lullaby, I don't even know her name but I can't wait to meet her." She said and looked at Sam who started playing the song. As she sang, the baby wiggled in my belly causing me to tear up a bit. Colby grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently as my lip quivered. The lullaby was beautiful and I couldn't wait for Katrina to know that the baby was partially named after her. As soon as she finished I sprung up and hugged her, "that was beautiful..thank you.." I whispered as she rocked me back and forth, "I'm just so happy I get to be a part of this." She said with tears in her eyes, "i love you" I pouted as she laughed a watery laugh. "I love you more." She blubbered out as we pulled away. I hugged Sam, still feeling emotional over all of this. Colby was right. Right now it was just us and the good stuff. We were okay right now. I had to just focus on that.

We spent the rest of the night hanging out with everyone. Colby's parents were staying in one of the guest rooms and my dad was staying in the other. It warmed my heart knowing that Colby surprised me with having all of them come out here.

"Hey babe?" I asked as I changed into sweats again, "what's up?" He asked and I frowned, "can we go get some icecream?" I asked as he smiled, "whatever you want." He said then slid his shoes on, "I'm wearing slippers." I declared and grabbed his hand then led him out of the room.

"Where are you guys going?" Dad asked as we passed him and Colby's parents in the kitchen, "to the store, she wants icecream, do you guys want anything?" Colby asked as I giggled. "Nope, have fun." He said and Colby's dad nodded, "hey, Cole?" He said which made Colby stop walking, "what's up dad?" He asked, turning towards his dad. "I'm just really proud of you. Both of you. You guys are going to be great parents." He said and I smiled, it really meant a lot to hear that from him, "thanks dad, I love you." He said and hugged him as I smiled, "thank you, that means a lot to me." I said and rubbed my chest over where my heart was. After a few more minutes of talking to them we finally got to the car so we could go to the store.

We walked down the aisles hand in hand, not really rushing this grocery trip. We spent a lot of time together but it was usually with friends or when we were about to go to bed, so being in public alone was always fun. We finally got to the icecream aisle and I couldn't figure out what flavor sounded the best.

"I actually need to grab something for Sam, you keep  looking for a flavor I will be back in a five seconds." Colby said then jogged away. "What do you think little girl?" I asked the baby quietly as I skimmed the flavor options.

I finally decided on a cherry chocolate chunk icecream and made my way down the aisle to find Colby. As I was walking a sharp pain filled my stomach for just a second, causing me to drop the carton of icecream and grab my belly. "Ohhhh" I gasped as it went away just as quick as it came on. "Holy shit, are you okay?" Colby asked and rushed over to me, I giggled at his panicked expression, "I'm fine, it hurt for just a second I think she just kicked me too hard again," I said and leaned down to grab the icecream I dropped, "here, let me get it." Colby said and leaned down to grab it, he looked at me cautiously as I held my lower back. "I'm fine, don't worry about it, come on." I said and grabbed his hand, squeezing it gently as we walked through the aisles again.

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